Your voice was all i heard
I want you back.

Me, Myself & I

This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

Take a big big bow

Layout/Editor: Purple-licious
Resources: N-serendipity. kisses.away nutzzzzz xoxo

10:46 pm Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hi friends, I have moved.

4:31 pm Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Okay, so this is like the first blog post of the year... And I'm NOT making a list of New year resolution... Who follows it anyways?

Shall just talk about my first few days of the new 2010...

1) Went to Huisu's home on the 31st. And what enticed me to go was the thought of not having met her for a super long time and her super catchy message: My brother will make you drunk! LOL... That's was a joke, 'cause I only got to drink a glass of champagne... Then spent the first few hours Wii-ing with Su, Jaclyn and Huipin...

2) Everyone came home for a steamboat dinner on 1/1/10 to celebrate my brothers' birthday... Had lots of food and goodies but no pictures...

3) Went to Rebel@Clarke Quay to celebrate Eileen's and Limei's birthday on the 2nd... I'm not used to? / I don't like the music there... I don't know, but I don't think I want to go there again in the near future...

4) Done what every good girl will do: Went studying and made an effort to finish my work ( though failed) with Ale on 3/1/10...

5) Met Connie and got my 老婆饼 from Hong Kong yesterday =) Luckily I met no one I knew, 'cause I'm really dressed down, as if I'm going to a market... And we caught Alvin and the chipmunks 2! Like finally I got to watch it...

End of first 5 days of new year for me... I've enjoyed mine, and what about you?

I feel like abandoning this space already

7:33 pm Monday, December 21, 2009

Just watched Avatar with Hanif in the afternoon... It's quite a good show but the beginning of the show don't really make sense and it's quite boring too.. Luckily it wasn't for long before the story starts...

Super happy to have caught a good show, and the next one shall be and will be Alvin and the Chipmunks 2!!!!


11:13 pm Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just got back from Taiwan yesterday! [this was kept in the unpublished mode aka draft for more than a week]

So, first 2 days were in Toucheng Farm Resort(Yilan) followed by Taipei for the remaining days.

Did shopping at the night markets and we got fun laughter and joy with all the nonsenses and bargaining we did over there. Got many useful stuffs for myself and I'm so so so happy with all my buys! =D

Am so sorry that this post is like so late up cause I'm procrastinating like no one's business and I'm doing the metro CIP at farrer park these few days... Shall update again soon, though it's quite evident that I'm kind of neglecting this blog...

11:34 pm Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Set foot into Ion for the first time today... Ok, I know I'm like eff-ing slow, but it's always late than never right?

Went to look for maroon long sleeves, but there was null results.. So walked around and got other essentials like pumps and slippers and also a pair of black pants which i don't even know whether my mum will pay for it or not for the Taiwan trip...

Am current;y super tired but still don't want to sleep what an irony... And I wanna gym, anyone interested?!?!

2:24 am Sunday, November 15, 2009


Share my life, take me for what I am
Coz I'll never change all my colors for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do

I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide

Well,don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you, you, you...

You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love mmmmm...
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to

I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Your love I'll remember, forever

Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing...

Well,don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me no...
Don't walk away from me
Don't you dare walk away from me
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you
if i don't have you,oohh

12:35 am Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting my results in less than 10 hours...

Shall just skip the unhappy and depressing stuff...
Went JB yesterday with my mama and we got really nice tasting banana cakes and super filling bread home... I went on to shop in City Square while my mum went home first... And I'm so happy to get this really nice studded T-strap sandals =D

Had choir in the afternoon and also briefing for the Taiwan trip... Can't belief that we are setting off in 3 weeks time.... ZOMG, that's fast!!! Then met up with Ale, Eileen and Xue Ying at IMM and got dinner at Fish&Co. And the 3 of them were like crazy over this 2 waiters la... Super crazy... Lastly to Daiso for things that are 'Always $2'....

Think I'm gonna suffer much when lessons resume on Fri... Been sleeping till 9 every morning for the past few days... Oops =P

11:17 pm Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Got a short bob now... Still getting used to it.

12:07 am Tuesday, November 03, 2009

School's boring with those sickening kairos programmes for the past 2 weeks... Went to Social House on Saturday's night for a night of Halloween clubbing. First time experience, quite good i must say but it's not places i will frequent. Perhaps only for special occasions, I reckon...

Went on the Singapore Flyers with mum on Saturday too... But we were so 'lucky' that trip... It was raining so heavily that we couldn't even see Pan Pacific properly, let alone the nice(?!) Singapore plus a bit of Malaysia view as written on the leaflet in the cabin... But one thing is good... You can see lightning super clearly and it's so exciting with thunder as you can feel the cabin vibrating slightly... LOL.

Am going to stop procrastinating and start to see if I had any wave tutorial which is not yet done... Till long long after, Ciao!

11:13 pm Monday, October 26, 2009

Today marks the last day of GP workshop, one I originally thought was going to be boring and all, but it just turned out to be all too wonderful a workshop to attend... Skills that were thought to be so hard was such a breeze to understand and also the speaker's humorous and interactive lesson style... Think I'd really gained much insights into many skills and answering methods.

Think I'd got too much food stored inside me 'cause I don't feel well now=(

10:46 pm Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Feeling really lost right now... Weird thoughts kept running through my head now... It's not suicidal, so don't worry...

Feeling nothing at all right now.... Just a void of feelings within me, and when you feel nothing, you feel worse.

12:03 am Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gonna to Ale's place for good food and Mahjong tomorrow and I really can't wait for it....

Went to Sembawang SC with Ale just now for Astons and got myself nice charcoal mask for just 2 bucks at Daiso!!!

School week pass by so fast that I cannot believe it! And the farewell assembly was just so so this year... I still like the release of balloons like last year... Well, I'll be there next year, and who knows what is awaiting us!

To friends taking 'A's this year... Do your very best and you won't regret.
To REGINA, don't harbor weird thoughts already... Since you already pay for the exams, why still want to join me? Make full use of the money paid! And we shall go for celebrations after ur finish, and you know what I mean! =D

1:20 am Sunday, October 11, 2009

So promos are over and I had so many days of fun straight after that... Wed was steamboat with Ale and Eileen; Thurs was Sentosa with the choir peeps; Fri was out with Eileen and Ale with her poly friends at CP and Bugis... Today went to Siti's house for visit and a great gym workout with Ale...

And ZOMG that durian dessert we had! Super duper nice!!! And I simply finger lick it good!!! =]

Can't wait for BOF!!! Gonna be so nice in the end, I think, though I can vaugely remember the ending for the Taiwanese version.

Post promos activities.... No more GP lectures please!

12:09 am Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm still in denial... Physics file is currently placed right smack in front of my face, but there's just no motivation for me to continue on all the formula and definitions memorizing.... This sucks, but i still got to memorize them regardless how much I dislike it... ARGH! can't wait for 20th NOV to come, but first let me clear promos please....

Shall go back to physics now with millions of reluctance cells within me....

I need a drink!

11:56 pm Tuesday, September 22, 2009

School sucks, Promos sucks. process of revision sucks too... Can I just continue to live in denial and not to think about the promos next week?

But I shall face up to reality...

Play hard work hard, slogan for life!


12:51 am Saturday, September 19, 2009

9:38 pm Saturday, September 12, 2009

Going for a hair cut soon... Though I'd made a promise not to have my hair cut for at least one year, but it seems superrr not possible for me... Split ends, dry and dead hair, and having to use conditioner everyday... OMG, it's all so troublesome... But I like th elength of my current hair... Shit, should I cut or not?

And adding on to my depression... Term break is coming to an end and i'm so so don't want to go back to school... When school starts, it indicates:
1. Lots of chiong-ing of tutorials and all
2. Promos is coming again for me... DREAD IT MUCH!
3. No more computer days for me...
4. More nagging from the teachers
5. Wake up super early for school and leave school super late!

I'm so lack of
1. Time
2. Money
3. Motivation
4. Life
5. Clothes

12:51 am Saturday, September 05, 2009

Finally comes the one week break for me to do a massive catch-up on all my revision...

Just finished the Adiperukku performance a few hours ago... It left most of us fatigue, hungry and perspring... But it's by far my most enjoyable school performance! Putting on the sari was my virgin try... And my comment on it: I admire those who feel nothing to show there flabby ___.... Doing jump-shots in sari is even crazier, but I'm nothing but crazy :) And I got 2 'whales' of eye-liner applied which perhaps used up one month supply of my eyeliner... LOL.

School, I do love you, but at times you can be irritating...

10:46 pm Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Isn't familial support suppose to be important? Now, why are you guys forcing me to do things I don't want to? Finally, I can kind of get over the previous class... Finally, I'm just adapting to the new class and teachers. Now why call for change again? Why! You think you know what's the best for me, but seriously, you don't... So please, stop making decisions on my behalf... If I want to leave the JC curriculum, I would have done it when my CT results were out, so why now? So what is I have all the confidence in the world, I'm not receiving any support at all... What is this? Just tell me what this is!

If you think that it's ok to have no support, then that's your problem! I'm me, I'm a complete different individual from you... You may know what is the best for you, but not me... Do you want to live my life for me? If not, then back off! I don't need someone who will keep putting her ideas into my mind! I'm a human with my own thinking, not a robot that receive programs designed by you.

Why, I'll prove you wrong. You say I can't suvive? Fine, that's your conclsion. Since you have made your statement, just FUCK OFF! I'll just prove to you that even without your support, I can succeed... Even if it's going to be hard.

Home? Haven? Whatever.

10:49 pm Monday, August 17, 2009

Mum is back from Malaysia, but appearantly she always return home with a FOUL mood each time... And due to the communication lag/ generation gap/ whatever you name it, I find her just so quarrelsome, bet you know what the next thing that happen is... Anw, this is just home to me...

Feel so tired of everything recently....
Count down 40 days to promos....
Countdown 1 year+4 Months more to 'A's...
Countdown 2 years 10 months for full fletch freedom...
School sucks, life sucks, but just need to keep on persevering. That's the irony of all...


12:00 am Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just finished my physics revision for tomorrow's test, and it's so killing me... Had an over-shot nap in the day and I'm feeling quite energetic, so some blogging done before my next activity?

Satisfied my craves for Island creamery with Ale toh on sat while studying... But things just happen when you want to do something properly.... Was called home by brothers to accompany my dad(who was home then and claimed he wanted to celebrate the country's birthday too) for dinner... Just imagine you were doing some great productive studying and suddenly tou have to stop everything you do and go home.... AWWWWW!

So, went home and be a 'fillial daughter' acc. to ale toh... Was clueless where to go then my dad just said "let's go people's park!" And like within 20 mins the both of us are there... And he started telling me all his 'once-upon-a-time' stories to me... Well, it's good to imagine just how he, my mum and 2 sisters went through all those events and bla, but it can be just a bit boring...
And moral of story... NEVER go chinatown with an old man, it'll attract lots of attention from old man, even if you are just wearing polo tee and jeans!

For national day, went to market early in the morning and got some ingredients for my 'dad's specials' in the afternoon... Then vivo in the evening, since my dad have not been there yet[?!?!]...
Went home soon after that... Dads just dislike shopping~~~ Anw, i think it's really crazy to spend so much[not going to disclose] on bathing towels...

Well, he went back early this morning and I don't even hear him leave the house... Went JP with Encarni, Ruian then Kbox with Chor Chuan to celebrate his birthday... Almost can't get CC's present, phew that was close!
All thanks to national day, we get much discounts today...

Well, that summarise my national day break, and I'm feeling so ominous for tomorrow's test... It's physics mind you!

12:36 am Monday, August 03, 2009

WOW! Blogger is back to normal, FINALLY!

Though I have to wake up for school in 5 hours time, but I'm feeling so energetic now that I cannot sleep!!! ARGH~

SO, for the past few days went past quite uneventful.... Just that had the 'meet-my-mama-day' yesterday and it SUCKS! I mean who like their parents to meet their teacher right?
And that there's been too much loss of blood for the past few days, and I mean nose-bleeding la! What are you thinking of?! LOL, that's just to entertain myself...

Money money money, I LOVE MONEY, it's a rich men's world! ;D

11:01 pm Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blogging when i'm suppose to sleep soon... what a 'healthy' thing to do huh... Just some of those random thoughts that have been in my mind for some time now...

Why people change so rapidly? One moment this person is all well and good to you, and the next this person suddenly turn so cold towards you as if you are just some stranger... Why can some just get on with life and adapt to changes so quickly while some others just don't seem to be able to suit themselves to the environment they are in? And who is the smart-ass who said that the only thing that would never change is change, a statement so ironically true?

Well, just typing all these out so I'm able to get a good night sleep without these dumb nothings bothering me...

Till the next time I'm blogging when I'm needed at other tasks...
I'm so HAPPY! Just a self-deceiving statement~

10:05 pm Friday, July 24, 2009

Been wanting to blog for the past few days just to keep seeing that blogger is so screwed up... And this spoils all my mood to blog... Just some quick updates for the week....
down with fever so missed school for three days and I feel fucking so unwell during PE today that i thought I would faint anytime~~~

That's all for now, cause I hate this current screwed up posting page @ blogger...


3:09 pm Friday, July 10, 2009

Had like almost 12 hours of sleep and perhaps 6hrs of weird dreams in the midst of it... Dreamt of bitching and fighting; dreamt of riding a bicycle, just that the bike has only one wheel, and i'm just sitting on the wheel; dreamt of a bicycle shop selling prom dresses; dreamt of a rundown public washroom with sauna facilities; dreamt of driving along a curved expressway and crashing into one of those apartments next to it; dreamt of strange stuffs... Wonder why I always have weird dreams~

Anyways, only woke at 1 just now... Cause there's no school for me today! If not for that irritating ringing phone that my mum just don't seem to hear, I think I'm able to complete my last dream... Shitass! Now it's like stuck in my head, perhaps awaiting for it's conclusion... Ok, that is super =.=

remember that blogging competition i once said here? Now there's a photography challenge and the due date is in 10 days time, and i'm here still thinking how to go about doing it! Wish luck to me...

Wonder what's with that 75+ dollars phone bill I dreamt about going to be...
Dreams dreams dreams

10:29 pm Wednesday, July 01, 2009


12:43 am Sunday, June 28, 2009

Am so so into absolute boyfriend that i'm only left with 4 more episodes to finish the whole series... Given that I've only started watching it just in the afternoon... OMG!!! This is no good for me, especially when there's like 2 papers coming out on the first 2 days of school... Super crazy....

Sometimes, I think many people are kind of pathetic... If they are to sit down and think about it, how many friends do they actually have? Or how many people have those so-called friends whom they can talk to when they meet, but when they leave each other's lives, they don't even talk at all?

Kay, this is real dumb, but I've just realised that I haven't finish the writing challenge of my blogging competition I'd mention earlier... So gonna go off to do it now...


1:11 pm Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Spent my 18th birthday with 2 great friends yesterday... Thanks Su and Ale for making my birthday such a memorable one... Challenging the giant Ice-cream, experiencing the fish spa and all... Really thanks to you two!

Also to Eileen for the surprise last night... Really loved the cakes you bought! Jia you for your coming papers!

And of course to all the others who had wish me happy
birthday and all... Really appreciated it, thanks so much!

And for you who want to know how huge it is....

3:40 pm Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Still in KL now, and am very bored and all... Better still, I entered some blogging competition and the first submission is by next week... Wahaha... Really didin't know what happened in that often-short-circuit brain I had, to accept this challenge... LOL....

Hopefully, I can get back to SG by this few days, or else i'll be GG-ing all the way....
MYE is just 1 WEEK away!

Lalas, Baboos and Bye~

11:25 pm Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Went to the Malaysia Embassy to settle my enlistment things, just to find out that they don't settle such things there... SUPER DUPER FRUSTRATING... Luckily this is Singapore... What if I'm in UK now? Must I pay that few thousand bucks just to fly back to KL for this? Like really dumb lor....

On the lighter note...
Went to ACM with mum and sis just now for the KangXi
Exhibition.... Well, it's good and quite insightful, though I'm still much fascinated by that 'Bling Bling' exhibition in the pernarakan museum...

And, due the crazy system of the embassy, I need to make a trip down to KL when the exams are like really approaching.... Dumbness x2...

Will be on hiatus.... See yea

10:43 pm Sunday, June 07, 2009

Been such long time since i last post anything up here...

Well, been a good girl studying and all since the start of this june hols... Am so so proud of myself 'cause I've managed to finish 75% of all the holidays homework given... End of super egoism~

Anws, were spending lots of time with Ale Toh studying these few days... And going from placs to places to study... To her school, Pioneer Mall, Frontier, Starbucks, Island Creamery,etc...

Seriously, I got nothing interesting to write about... Every day seems to be like the same to me... Like study, fossil(stone), eat, surf net, sleep.... Almost everyday is like this... For 21 more days of thius kind of routine, I think i'll really become a fossil soon....

BABOO!!! BORED, need something to entertain myself... Till like don't know when, byes~

7:29 pm Friday, May 29, 2009

This place has once again been neglected by me... Anws, who cares? Hmm...

Went FFFF with Ale,Eileen and Bernice last week, and got nothing from there... But got a weave bag for myself at anchorpoint... Evening was spent at Breko... Thinks that's all for that day...

GP paper today... Then Penarakan Museum with S27... Quite reluctant to go initially as i'm really tired and they wanted to take the long long bus ride when the MRT station is just a stone throw away... And luckily I went to the museum... It's really an eye-opener for me... Learnt much and I want to go to ACM!!! Anyone interested?

Gonna be on and offline quite frequent during this hols... Offline to do my studying and stuffs for mid-years; and online for my usual slacking bites~~~

Bless me with lots of motivation to study!

12:33 am Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wa... Like so super long never blog alr... And it's rotting so badly a foul smell is sensed... Anw, off the nonsense...

1... Got 3 people to wish birthday to...
Mun Yee and Wilson: Happy belated birthday by 35 mins...
Mr Hiap: Happy birthday in advance of >24hrs...

2... Nothing's interesting about school... Just that I've so much free periods on Thursdays that I am so not wanting to go school...

3... Had a gathering session with the current class near JP... It's should be the kind of first and last time experience for me... But nonetheless, it was really a nice time spent with them...

4... Mid-years coming so gonna get all my study buds out.... Huisu! Ale Toh! Let's meet and set some brains working, k?

5... End of post... Next post is I wonder when~~~

6:00 pm Saturday, April 25, 2009

After 2 weeks of hiatus~~~

Just some updates and other blas---

Still trying to familiarise with my new class, yea changed class because i'm gonna redo my J1 and pwn my 2 most hate-able teachers with straight As... Anw, won't be able to blog up here as often as before alr, gonna work hard right?

SYF for choir is just round the corner... To be precise, i think only left with 10 days... So so fast, but am so fed up cuz nothing seems to be going smoothly...

Reading Memoirs of a Geisha, i know i'm damn slow cuz chanced upon it while in the school's library 2 days ago... Great book to read and I had definitely know something more about Kyoto Geisha...

What to do when you find yourself facing some form of invisible presuure upon yourself?

11:25 pm Friday, April 10, 2009

Answers to Ale's 3 Questions:
1) What is Vanilla?
Vanilla is a flavoring derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla native to Mexico.

2)What the difference between blood types?
A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system, and some of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. Several of these red blood cell surface antigens, that stem from one allele (or very closely linked genes), collectively form a blood group system.[1]

3)What is Good Friday?
Good Friday, is a religious holiday observed primarily by adherents to Christianity commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Golgotha, an event central to Christian theology.

LOL... Got these answer super fast from Wiki.... Ale toh, next time want to know go WIKI la!!!

12:28 pm Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Not feeling for 2 days straight... Not sure if's it due to the ass-holey menses or it's just that my body's not good again... Haiz~~ Shall wait and see...

Anyone knows what are the causes of giddy spells that comes with no headaches and nauseous-ness??? Hopefully I can get well by tomorrow... Heard that the PW results are out this week... Gosh!


9:47 pm Friday, April 03, 2009

How i longed to just disappear from the surface of earth some day... Never mind... Perhaps in the future, someone will just come up with 'disappear suit'...


11:09 pm Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Am Regina and I so alike?
Some teacher pass by us and asked if we are twins... =.= NO LOR CAN!

Anw, am in school library now blogging, 'cause I've to wait for Choir to start... Haiz~~ Boring....


10:38 pm Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Shall think about transferring to poly, and how to talk to the Principal during the tea session... Hopefully I can drop down to J1... Pick up my like some shit foundation and do better for my 'A's...

Found this in my Email~~~


付出真心 才会得到真心
保持距离 就能保护自己


有时候 不是对方不在乎你


朋友就是把你看透了 还能喜欢你的人
就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie
而是在一起 就算不说话

为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友

就是那些 该放进心里的人


冷漠 有时候并不是无情

5:57 pm Thursday, March 19, 2009

Common test is just in a few days time and I haven't really sit down and do my long-due revision... If there's a subject named 'Escaping Reality', I think I'll score an A for it...

Till now, I still don't know what's the reason for me to go for a JC curriculum... Not that I regret this decision, but it's just that I'm still doubting my choice.... Perhaps if I'm able to go back in time, I'll choose to go elsewhere instead...

Fine, shan't carry on blabber-ing about this.... Till I'm back from the tea session with P...

9:56 pm Monday, March 16, 2009

Am back from the choir camp... Really an enriching one for me... And I'm like also dead beat...
This one week break is so going to be study intensive... Cuz the common test is just next week... And I'm so totally not prepared for it yet... Guess I shall rehearse my 'tea session' with the principal~~~ =.=

Back to the camp...
Was really fun for me, learnt a lot, bonded quite well with the J1s especially... Watched happy feet and spent my 'longest' night with all those coughing fits... Haiz~~~

And finally some pics during a little cam-whore session :D
Debby! President of the IMH clan~


Amanda and Wei Qin

Darling Arifah and Mila

Only Hilary is camera-sensitive... Don't think Jasmine knew about this~

Narcissitic shot, with my super messy hair after bathing~~~

Amanda! Premium mamber of the IMH Clan~~~

11:50 pm Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kays, am still coughing like some mad ass.... Wad's more, have to go for the intensive-syf-training camp tommorow... Good Game...

Reg came over in the late morning/noon... And we finally sent our crossword clues which is like 1+ week over due?!?! Went to JP walk and get some stuffs.... Hahz, Reg, I think you can't get any other axis for the time being~~~ =P

The engaging China seminar in the morning was =.=
Seriously think that they just want us there to fill up the hall....

Back to the terrible coughing fits which had troubled me for the past one week.... Seems like it's not going away any time soon.. =(

11:11 pm Friday, March 13, 2009

Today spells busy-with-don't-know-what day~~~

Went to school in the morning for my first common test paper--- GP...
Then went to Causeway Point for a super duper looong lunch with Reg... I'm her axis =D~~~
Went home for a change and to CTSS for 'to kill a mocking bird' play, which is quite ok, just that the sound system sucks in the beginning...

Am going to school 7 days this week... Yes, 7 DAYS! Instead of 30% CCA, 70% studies; The current situation: 30% studies, 70% CCA~~~~~

Though the interior has changed completely, the memories fond or not still come flooding back... Guess reminiscing is part of me... I love to remember the past, and wish that I'll just go back to one of those days...

10:01 pm Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Am supposed to prepare for the coming common test on friday... But I'm still here wasting a little of my precious-and-not-much-left time in the Net....

To regina wong:
Even my mother say we don't look alike can!!! Hahaz... And you are going to be stuck with me for the rest of the year~~~

Shall get some sleep soon, hopefully.... With all the coughing these days~~ =(


10:42 pm Monday, March 09, 2009

Was having really bad coughing fits during econs lecture in the morning... Sorry if I'd scare anyone of you just now....

And now, the cough is back again~~~

School isn't fun at all... Especially when my mood is just as gloomy as the skies above...

11:13 pm Saturday, March 07, 2009

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~ Am so so happy....

A for chinese!!!

Anws, that was for yeaterday...

Went Bishan for a podcast workshop in the morning with Regina~~~ Then to the Library to read some stuffs...

And met with Eileen and Ale after that... Had our initial steamboat cancelled, but it's still ok, cause I'm with the girls...

Home sweet home at 9+, a ride from Jian Wen.. Thanks!

This is for today...

Tomorrow shall be a rotting day~~~

My Vargin Camwhore experience with an iMAC =D

10:24 pm Thursday, March 05, 2009

I'm really close to the breakdown point now... Things are starting to pile up and this ain't good at all... Hopefully this is just the work of the bloody menses~~~


12:06 am Monday, March 02, 2009

It's past 12 and I'm still posting up here... Well, can't blame me for not able to sleep even though there's still school in 7 hours...

Spent the whole day practically on youtube... Anws, I don't really care la... Finished my Korean Drama--- Delightful Chun Hyang, like finally....

Gonna have a new TV set soon... Wahahaha... Says bye to no TV days~~~ =)

羅志祥 - 搞笑MV
那一條牙膏 在對我傻笑
想睡就睡 想鬧就鬧

藍色的碗盤 多買了一套
要多少替代的丑角 無辜的陪笑

我在搞笑 藉著熱鬧 掩蓋著心跳
邊哭邊笑 偏要說著一個人真好
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉
還在搞笑 害怕回家 不知怎麼熬
這麼多年 早就習慣 有妳的撒嬌
我想我能熬 但是至少要讓我知道

我們的小狗 食量變好小
他習慣睡覺的床位 少了一雙腳

我在搞笑 藉著熱鬧 掩蓋著心跳
邊哭邊笑 偏要說著一個人真好
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉
我在搞笑 卻在最後 眼淚拼命掉
妳的離開 失去多少 我計算不了
忙完了一天 突然覺得又何必辛勞
還在搞笑 是否擁有 麻痺的療效
唱一夜歌 卻避不開 催淚的曲調
我徹夜胡鬧 希望聽到有人會提到 你好不好

11:22 pm Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally finished the physics SPA today!!! YEAH!

Went for Sakae with Rebecs, Reg and June... This trip was like planned long long ago... The initial estimated no. of people was supposed to be more... But in the end, only the four of us went... Nonethless, had a fulfiling meal, and lotsa fun too!!!

Going to a nursing home to feed the old tomorrow... According to my mum... Shall see to that....

And now am gonna sleep... Serious lack of sleep this whole week~~~~

9:32 pm Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There's still 2 boring days to go to end this week...

I think the current moment is a FUCK!

Many things bottled up but seems like no words can describe it...

I am going to sleep~

9:27 pm Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wow! Like so long never update alr...

Well, like having mugging session with Ale for the past 2 days... Not really mug la, but at least I finished all my work, compulsory or not... Feeling slightly accomplished~~ :D

And today is a eat and eat day for me.... Seriously, eat and eat... Also don't what I ate.... But just remembered that I'd been putting things into my mouth since 10am till dinner time... Oops~~~

Have to apologise to REB and REG.... PS them go JP... Sorry...

3 more weeks to week break and hopefully Choir camp!
4 more weeks to common test...
29 more weeks to prelims... Oh My 天!!!

6:58 pm Sunday, February 15, 2009

Am back from M'sia... And I feel that this is really dumb... I had spent exactly 30 hrs in Msia... Had Dim Sum in the morning and there's something to share... If it take 4 people to clear your table, which is not very big at all, and it took 5 mins, what do you think about it... Well, I seriously feel that there's a lack of effciency.... And this is what happened this morning... (-_-)'''

Am also fed up cause I couldn't sign into my messanger for days... And seriously, I need to clean up my lappy, according to my brothers.... Haiz~~~ Not again....

Finally, I feel like a leaking tap... Having bad flu for the past few days...

11:28 pm Friday, February 13, 2009

I feel like a plate of economic mixed rice currently...

Had our last physics lesson with Mr Lee today, thanks to the dumb new timetable... Thanks Mr Andy Lee, though you had just been with us for a month, but it's so much clearer that we could understand your lesson more... You are really that kind of teacher that will teach us something more than what the syllabus can teach... Will miss the nonsense, the fun, the laughter and the knowledge we got while in your class....

And I'm now so so demoralised, because the physics teacher is back to XXX... ILL~~~ Totally turn off... Guess I'm much troubled by this change of teachers... OMG! Think I gotta get tuition soon...

Well, on a lighter note...
Ale came over to study after getting some snacks from giant... And got my Doraemon snacks! Am super happy, cause am so afraid that I couldn't get them like last night... Did a bit of studying then out for dinner at JP... Had this mini steamboat thing and I think it's really worth the money...

Am going to M'sia again at my utmost reluctance.... Goodbye till i'm back again~~~

3:14 pm Saturday, February 07, 2009

Gonna watch The Village later on in the Esplanade... How I'm looking forward to it!

And lalala... Some ex-neighbours came to bai nian and just got the pictures from kok we took at the river hong pao...

I seriously wants my knee to recover sooner... And that I can remove this terrible bandage with a not-really-pleasant smell...
And thanks to all who showed their concerns... I'm almost alright now, and don't worry... You all shall see the old me again on monday! =D

7:53 pm Thursday, February 05, 2009

Today just isn't my day for PE... First, I got hit by the small and firm ball into the cheek, then I had a super duper painful sprain which is bad bad bad... So went to the polyclinic and see doctor, take X-ray pics...

And how I love the advice given to me... Don't walk too much~~~ I also know don't walk too much, can't even walk properly or it's so painful to walk le, how to walk? AND nothing is said about using the knee guard or whatsoever... I simply love this single piece of advice la...

And thanks to
KOK who had accompany me to the polyclinic and helped me...
Mr Tan who drove me to the clinic...
and all the others who helped me in some ways or another....

On a lighter note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY REGINA WONG!!! Hope you'll have a great time with the cow family... Hahaz... See the impression you gave to your friends? Now everyone will give you cows for you as bday prezzie! Hahaz..

Gonna miss school tomorrow again... Huh~~~ I want do practical leh... I want attend the super important maths lecture leh.... Haiz~~~ Guess I can only stay at home and finish all my weekend homework.... So sadded...

12:28 am

Been quite some days this place had been dead... Even my Vivience in Pet society had gone so smelly, unhappy and hungry...

School is just as hectic as ever, while ever piling amount of work left to do, and more singing 3 times every week... And I screwed my maths test up today T.T... I know how to do, what steps/method to use, but I'm just so CARELESS!!! First, I never take note of the r=0 below the summation sign; worse still, I missed out the multiplication part... WA~~~ Gonna be so so depressed when i get the test back man... Gonna get 0 for this test, i guess...

Well, enough of bad and unhappy stuffs... Wahaha, got my tix for The Village for this sat at esplanade... And so so looking forward to the day...

This girl here obviously slept too much in the evening, almost 3hrs, and now she can't sleep... HOW?!

11:31 am Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week spent is getting hong paos, choir till late, sleeping like dead log and piles of homework to be completed...

Guess, this is just what they call the real JC life which is supposed to mean... Never mind, I just need to persevere for another few months and Ta-Da! I'm free from all these again...

Well, for the time being, I'm gonna be a good girl for a while before out with belle and kok...

9:48 pm Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just got back from M'sia... Guess this year is much better than the previous one... At least we don't have to work so much this year for some idk reasons...

Well, moral of story... Never play mahjong when there is a whole bunch of little kids around... You never get to complete one game peacefully~~~


11:48 pm Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well, the above says it all... Am having giddy spells and headaches for the past few days... Just when I thought it's ok, it's back all again... So dumb... Am not going school tomorrow again to see doctor(most likely TCM... Wonder if TCM MC is allowed)... Just imagine missing 3 days of school in just one week! Luckily there's nothing much tomorrow, just gonna PS the rest for the CNY celebration thing~~~

Am going M'sia for CNY tomorrow... And I'm not even looking forward to it... Having to do so much... I mean working like some slaves almost every year in a very sickening kitchen.... Luckily, there will be a REVOLUTION! this time round, hopefully... We are not going to do so much this year... =)

Have a happy CNY and a prosperous year ahead!

8:55 pm Saturday, January 17, 2009

Watched Red Cliff 2 with Rebecs, Reg, Kok and Wan Ru last night... It's really nice.. With the spectacular burning down of those ships, the fighting scenes, the brain vs the brainless... Hahaz... Really liked it much...

Been sleeping much today... Perhaps to replenish those I'd lost during the first week of school... Already in the 2nd year, soon the 2nd week, then the 2nd month, next 2nd semester, after that 'A's after 2 years of JC life~~~ How the number '2' play such a important role this year... Nevermind, random stuffs, ignore and forget...

11:40 pm Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The new Econs HOD came to give us a little lecture in the morning.. According to him, 22 hrs of revision per week...
To my calculations,
No. of hours per week: 168 hrs
Time spent on Sleeping: 42 hrs
Time spent in school: 55 hrs
Time spent travelling: 10 hrs
Time spent on revision:22
Total time left per week: 39 hrs
Time left per day on average: 5 hrs

Wow... So within the 5 hrs, left each day, I have to eat, bathe, entertain myself... Well, guess will need a bit of effort to be able to do use at most 5 hrs to let loose of myself~~

12:26 am

Wasn't updating for the past 2 days 'cause am still trying to adapt to school-life... Anyway, saw all the teachers for this year alr... Am glad that I'm not in the other group... Hopefully, a new group spells something better for my physics... Maths's still the same teacher, but she's good, nothing to pick about seriously... As for the other subjects, time will see it all...

Anticipating RED CLIFF~~~

1:48 am Monday, January 12, 2009

Wa Lau!!! Look at the time now!!! I STILL CAN'T SLEEP!!!! WTH!!! GONNA BE PANDA FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! GG....

Perhaps I'm too excited about the first day of school (whatever~)....

I'm so gonna LOVE the first 4 months of my school life~~~ Wait till u see me again in may... Hahaz....

11:51 pm Friday, January 09, 2009

Pet society in the morning... Out in the afternoon... Study at night... This shall summarise what I had done today~~~

Met Ale and went back to CTSS, clementi campus... Never been to the re-developed one, so 'pester' Ale to go back with me to have a look... The canteen is pathetically SMALL, the parade square too... But still, it look a lot more nicer then when we left it almost 3 years ago... Was hoping to see some familiar faces, but nope...

Went to WCPlaza... Wanted to ask for directions from the driver, just to found out that it's his first day too... Hahaz, what a coincidence.... Went over to MOF and shared macha ice-cream with ale, and it's really nice!

Next to NP to walk walk then study a bit in the library... Not very condusive cause it's just above the CCA fiesta, so kinda noisy...

Went to Botak Jones @ Clementi 'cause I'm so craving for its fries... Saw Hye Na who happens to be Ale's JYPS friend, and Hye Na's friend was from CPS, but appearantly I really couldn't recall who she is... After this 'mini reunion' as we call it, saw bulbul... LOL, so after primary school, comes the secondary school's... Was told that some of the guys were street soccer-ing, so went down to watch for a while...

Pioneer Mall Macs to study... Finally, somewhere which is somewhat condusive for studying... Did my econs while Ale still struggling with her Bstats... Walked home after that

( Ale, see this? I walk home okay... Never take bus! LOL) cause am feeling bloated...

Now regret reading this whole thing when I'd already simply summarise my day in the beginning? Well, I can only say thanks for the time... =)

Tomorrow shall see me Fossil-ing at home doing last minute revision~~~

12:39 pm

Am so feeling nothing now...

Openhouse is seriously =.= Nothing to say.... Met Ale after school ends... Had Benten for dinner... The food's ok, but I seriously Adored! the desert we had... But I like that white creamy part more... =D
Did some productive studying at frontier and PM macs...

Gonna for another study date with Ale later on... I seriously need to brush up my physics like no one business... DIE~~~

11:49 pm Sunday, January 04, 2009

Group PIC!
Narcisstic Me

The bestfs+ CPS friend

Waha, the normal 3-some

The nonsensical 3-some

Just like what I say, I'll post up the pictures taken during the BBQ... Not a lot though, but it's the quality that matters!

Am so so in deep shit now... I haven't finish memorising the everlasting melody... Wahaha... Good Game~~~ Need to be in school by 8 tomorrow, banner need to be ready by tomorrow too!! How nice...

God bless...

8:50 pm Saturday, January 03, 2009

Had the first bbq in 2009--- 4A1 BBQ 020109, yesterday... Well, it's awesome, crapping, talking, playing and all...
Big thanks, hugs and kisses to all the babes and hunks who made it such a huge success...
But of course, special thanks Llewyn Ho and Alethia Toh who helped plan & organise this BBQ...
Also, thanks to Huisu who lent me her camera for my nonsensical shots that spammed it totally;
Aaron who also lent us his camera for the group pic;
Leon who did most of the cooking last night, though he's asmathic;
Gabriel who helped start the fire;
Beng Hong who helped get the ball down the tree...

Really enjoyed myself to the max, though I did not celebrate my bros' birthday(yes, it's yesterday too)... Glad to see everyone there, especially Siti, 'cause it's like so so so long since i last see her... But am so sadded that chep joined in their 'disturb SJ gang' Hahaz... But it would be better than having an emo kid around... LOL...

Happy Birthday EILEEN HO!!! Hope you like the gift...

Gosh, got to go now... Still got to memorise that everlasting melody by monday.... Pictures shall wait till the next post, I suppose...

3:44 am Thursday, January 01, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Wishing you a prosperous 2009 coming ahead!

Hahaz.... Just woke up from a hearty sleep of 8 hrs... Feeling super super fresh now!!! Hahaz....
People say that whatever you do during the first day of new year, you will do it for the coming year... So let me see... I played pool till the wee hours in the morning, went Macs to study and slept till mid afternoon today... So am I gonna to do this for this coming year? Well, dumb dumb...

Hopefully a New Year spells a New Start for me...
Resolution for this year... Hmm...
To stay focused
To stay bubbly
Less conflicts please
Less body mass
More friends
More opportunities
Play Hard
Work Hard
Study Hard
Prays Hard*
To have a clean record
To be able to stuff more things in this brain of mine
To feel better E&P
To get my desired grades
To love myself more
To save up enough
To be able to control my impulsiveness

Things in 2009~~~
1. I'm taking my 'A's
2. Choir SYF @ 5th May
3. The economy may still be looking bleak =(
4. Obama is gonna be the President of the USA
5. I'm turning 18
6. I can learn driving!
7. I can drink legally
8. I'm in my Year 2
9. Happy 1st year to my Baby lappy and me staying here
10. Gonna countdown to 2010 @311209


Happy New 2009 to all!!! Am outside studying... Hardworking right??? Am so bored-ed now, but still I'm a great friend who will not leave my friend in the lurch.... So will have to accompany wilson wan to study till the first bus operates....

New year resolutions? Perhaps when I'm feeling more energetic later on....

Wait for the edits then~~~

11:43 pm Tuesday, December 30, 2008

3 Days Later~~
Wahaha... Now almost everything's settled for the 4A1 BBQ 020109... Just pray hard for great weather now... Anticipating for the day... YES!

2 Days Later~~
Start of 2009!

1 Day Later~~
Going back to school to discuss about openhouse thing, also to get a letter from the Principal to postpone my enlistment... Dumb NS...

Gonna go countdown with Su, Jac, Su's sis and her friend... Hahaz, never countdown with them before... What a fresh combination, and this shall indicate a fresh start in a new year...

Went JP walk walk with 2nd sis and mum... Had new york new york, and i'm like still very full right now... Tried foot reflexology for the first time... Painful, not unbearable, and it's sure ticklish... I'm like so controling not to LOL la...

Then facial with my sis... And now my face is like having many Singapore on the map... many little red dots, cuz the person went to squeeze my blackheads out... OUCH! and I'm like szz.. szz.. szz.. all the way when she's squeezing those heads out of my face.... But come to it, no pain no gain, so after enduring those painful moments, I gained a clean face... Hahaz...

12:19 am Sunday, December 28, 2008

How time flies... So fast it's the last few days of 2008...

Looking back to the post on 1st jan this year...
  • I'm going to start my first job
  • The great great ferris wheel is gonna to operate!
  • I'm going to start a new life in the tertiary education, I hope...
  • I'll be seventeen
  • I'm gonna move to a new place
  • Olympics 2008!
  • I'm going to get a personal laptop!
Hahaz... I'd done all except the one regarding me studying in poly.... Instead, i'm here in PJC... Quite unexpected... Well, God always has his ways of playing....

New committments for 2009? Let me just leave it till 2009... For now, let me just enjoy these last few days of 2008 and to do those unfinished homework of mine...

Dumbass me who didn't take the work to m'sia to do... Dumb dumb....

On a lighter note~~~~
Went to the 'newly opened' Jurong Point with Su in the afternoon... Went to pay my bills and walk around... More shops, but nothing much to see though.... Yes Man is great... Shall gonna have it in my baby... For the moment, should I still get the silicon cover and slipcase for it? Still thinking...

And Su, thanks for the gift... It's really nice, so of course i'll be using it... Hahaz...

Shall go meet 'grandpa zhou' for a cup of tea... See what's the time now... Crazy me still can stay up till so late...

5:38 pm Friday, December 26, 2008


Currently at KLIA waiting to go home.... After like MIA for the past month... Hahaz...

Shall blog more back at home...


At home now... The malaysia trip is many thumbs down, and i don't even want to have a next time lor...

Am just glad that i'm home...

4:48 pm Thursday, November 20, 2008

Am going to be on HIATUS for the next few weeks... So, Bye Bye to the internet for these few weeks, I think... So sadded...


11:52 pm Sunday, November 16, 2008

Had our 16112008 4A1 BBQ@ECP today... Ok, i know the name is a little long... But nevermind... Went over to Ale's in the morning to get the pit receipt from her... Yea, she still sick, so had to give the BBQ a miss...

Met some at JE station and went ECP together... Krithee brought her sister divvya along... And she's still so shy... Zheng Ming and Leong Aik changed so much... In terms of their heights, and esp panda's voice... Hahaz, someone got a deep voice now... But mentality wise, it's stll the same.. LOL...

And we really made a din in the train and bus.... We were all busy-ing catching up with each other that we were oblivious of the other passengers??? Should I put this in this way... Hmmm... But still, we were kinda noisy, that's quite inconsiderate, I know, but, it only happens once in a blue moon... So, next! hahaz...

Parted our own separate ways for lunch... Me, krithee, divvya, wen jie and rubern went to this indian fast food restaurant to eat... Komala, if i'm not wrong... It's quite nice, thanks to krithee who recommend the dosai... And the serving is huge, very filling, wahahaha....

Gabriel's a pro in catching/kiap-ing the soft toys... He helped Llewyn got one, which was then given to divvya... How nice.. LOL...

Had a not-a-short walk to our pit at area E from area C... And the D2D gang was like complaining throughout the walk... And they were walking at snail speed, I presume?! Hahaz...

Had some games of frisbee, and felt quite bad to leave divvya aside.... So went to the seaside to pick some stones/ shells... And of course to take pictures...

Time flies when you are happy... We ate, played, joked and all... Now, I'm home sweet home from ECP... And I don't know why that I feel headache coming... Shall sleep early... Going M'sia early in the morning...

P.S. I love God and thank Him that He blessed us with such good weather... Though there's quite some false alarms here and there...

And now are the pictures for the day... Perhaps Picasa know that I'm in a good mood today... The pictures came out to be SPLENDID!!!

Don't they look like mum and daughter...

Wahaha... Our 'personalised' pictures...

The D2D....

Some of their members... I'm still not sure about the D2D...

Looking out to the sea for? Hmmm...

Lastly, 4A1'07 is LOVED!

6:32 pm Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just finish the whole series of Hot Shot... Wow! Very exciting indeed! Wahaha... Especially the last part, the Ultimate vs the Wolf... Wa... I LOVE! it sia... Though the ending is kinda sad but I think it should be the most glorious moment for W...

Okay, end of the fantasy world... Tomorrow's the BBQ and Ale is down with high fever... Take care girl... It's really wasted... She joined in the planning yet she can't go because she's sick...

What am i still thinking?

7:25 pm Friday, November 14, 2008

Choir was stressful... Stressful, a suitable word to use? I don't know... It's just that i'm really not enjoying today's session.... Partially cause I kept getting the sops part too... Just have to work doubly hard to get everything right, I guess...

Good Luck to those performing in paragon next week... I know you all can do it! =)

I'm turning into an nocturnal animal yet and again... Can't sleep at night, and want to sleep so much in the day... What's happening to me?? OMG~~~

That should be all for today... So boring, and true enough, november is going to end soon... Time teleports!

Loving basketball fire a.k.a hot shot now...

6:04 pm Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Now I'm in JE library with the jurong gang, bulbul, jun yang, harshenal( i think) and REGINA!

Just finish our BBQ stuffs and now we are gonna wait for the DAY! Wahaha~~ Hope it won't rain that day at all.... PRAYS HARD~~

Came in the noon with Wilson and Shu Ling, but I PS them like 2 hours later... Sorry! =(

Lalalala.... And choir tomorrow and friday... How fun it is!

11:00 pm Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Out with krithee today... Went Plaza Sing for the Coffin... And it's like so so so not nice la... Very slow-paced... Then walked to far east... And we saw this uncle (very obvious!) wearing a female clothings... Like a blouse and skirt... Well, I'm not that against transexuals or whatsoever... But, perhaps he(she) can wear a wig or at least shave...

Walked round far east and accompanied krithee to have her hair extensions done... Waha...

Lib with wilson tomorrow to study... Yes, to study! Got an idiotic review test start of next year... Have to study, or retained?
Evening with the Jurong gang for discussion for BBQ on sunday... YAHOO!!! Can't wait for the BBQ and catching up with the others...

P.S. please play PSP softly... It'll disturb sitting beside you if they wanna nap..

9:25 pm Monday, November 10, 2008

Me left my hand and finger prints in school, and it will be seen by all!!! I mean literally....

Did the tapestry wall with my fellow good-ed souled choir mates in the day... Hahaz... And we all left our hand prints on the wall... It was really fun! =)

Meeting Krithee tomorrow!!! Will be a GREAT day! With my loony friend... Hahahz~~

Am so LOVING! hot shot... Can't wait to finish the whole show!!

12:39 am

Hahaz~~ Thanks to REGINA WONG, I took a extremely accurate test... Wahaha...
This is it:

It's really accurate... At least for me though...

And this is really fun to play with:
Had choir today at TAPAC with wild empire.... Feel of christmas fills the room... We were doing caroling... And I never thought that the alto part for these christmas songs are so hard to grasp! Well, but its certainly a great experience... So am really glad that i turned up... Learnt so many songs within so little time!

Certainly, it's really a great day...

5:44 pm Saturday, November 08, 2008

Some tests i did.. Some sound true, and others are just for fun~~

[The Real Me]

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

  1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
  2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
  3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
  4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
  5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.

[Your Working Style]

You are an ingenious innovator who always see new possibilities and new ways of doing things. You have a lot of imagination and initiative for starting projects and a lot of impulsive energy for carrying them out. You are sure of the worth of your inspirations and tireless with the problems involved. You are stimulated by difficulties and most ingenious in solving them. You enjoy feeling competent in a variety of areas and value this in other as well.

You are extremely perceptive about the attitudes of other people, and can use this knowledge to win support for your projects. You aim to understand rather than to judge people.

Your energy comes from a succession of new interests and your world is full of possible projects. You may be interested in so many different things that you have difficulty focusing. Your thinking can then help you select projects by supplying some analysis and constructive criticism of your inspirations, and thus add depth to the insights supplied by your intuition. Your use of thinking also makes you rather objective in your approach to your current project and to the people in your lives.

You are not likely to stay in any occupation that does not provide many new challenges. With talent, you can be inventor, scientist, journalist, troubleshooter, marketer, promoter, computer analysts, or almost anything that it interests you to be.

A difficulty for you is that you hate uninspired routine and find it remarkably hard to apply yourself to sometimes necessary detail unconnected with any major interest. Worse yet, you may get bored with your own projects as soon as the major problems have been solved or the initial challenge has been met. You need to learn to follow through, but are happiest and most effective in jobs that permit one project after another, with somebody else taking over as soon as the situation is well in hand.

Because you are always being drawn to the exciting challenges of new possibilities, it is essential that you develop your judgment. If your judgment is undeveloped, you may commit yourself to ill-chosen projects, fail to finish anything, and squander your inspirations on incompleted tasks.