11:22 pm Friday, February 27, 2009
Finally finished the physics SPA today!!! YEAH!
Went for Sakae with Rebecs, Reg and June... This trip was like planned long long ago... The initial estimated no. of people was supposed to be more... But in the end, only the four of us went... Nonethless, had a fulfiling meal, and lotsa fun too!!!
Going to a nursing home to feed the old tomorrow... According to my mum... Shall see to that....
And now am gonna sleep... Serious lack of sleep this whole week~~~~
9:32 pm Wednesday, February 25, 2009
There's still 2 boring days to go to end this week...
I think the current moment is a FUCK!
Many things bottled up but seems like no words can describe it...
I am going to sleep~
9:27 pm Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wow! Like so long never update alr...
Well, like having mugging session with Ale for the past 2 days... Not really mug la, but at least I finished all my work, compulsory or not... Feeling slightly accomplished~~ :D
And today is a eat and eat day for me.... Seriously, eat and eat... Also don't what I ate.... But just remembered that I'd been putting things into my mouth since 10am till dinner time... Oops~~~
Have to apologise to REB and REG.... PS them go JP... Sorry...
3 more weeks to week break and hopefully Choir camp!
4 more weeks to common test...
29 more weeks to prelims... Oh My 天!!!
6:58 pm Sunday, February 15, 2009
Am back from M'sia... And I feel that this is really dumb... I had spent exactly 30 hrs in Msia... Had Dim Sum in the morning and there's something to share... If it take 4 people to clear your table, which is not very big at all, and it took 5 mins, what do you think about it... Well, I seriously feel that there's a lack of effciency.... And this is what happened this morning... (-_-)'''
Am also fed up cause I couldn't sign into my messanger for days... And seriously, I need to clean up my lappy, according to my brothers.... Haiz~~~ Not again....
Finally, I feel like a leaking tap... Having bad flu for the past few days...
11:28 pm Friday, February 13, 2009
I feel like a plate of economic mixed rice currently...
Had our last physics lesson with Mr Lee today, thanks to the dumb new timetable...
Thanks Mr Andy Lee, though you had just been with us for a month, but it's so much clearer that we could understand your lesson more... You are really that kind of teacher that will teach us something more than what the syllabus can teach... Will miss the nonsense, the fun, the laughter and the knowledge we got while in your class....
And I'm now so so demoralised, because the physics teacher is back to XXX... ILL~~~ Totally turn off... Guess I'm much troubled by this change of teachers... OMG! Think I gotta get tuition soon...
Well, on a lighter note...
Ale came over to study after getting some snacks from giant... And got my Doraemon snacks! Am super happy, cause am so afraid that I couldn't get them like last night... Did a bit of studying then out for dinner at JP... Had this mini steamboat thing and I think it's really worth the money...
Am going to M'sia again at my utmost reluctance.... Goodbye till i'm back again~~~
3:14 pm Saturday, February 07, 2009
Gonna watch The Village later on in the Esplanade... How I'm looking forward to it!
And lalala... Some ex-neighbours came to bai nian and just got the pictures from kok we took at the river hong pao...

I seriously wants my knee to recover sooner... And that I can remove this terrible bandage with a not-really-pleasant smell...
And thanks to all who showed their concerns... I'm almost alright now, and don't worry... You all shall see the old me again on monday! =D
7:53 pm Thursday, February 05, 2009
Today just isn't my day for PE... First, I got hit by the small and firm ball into the cheek, then I had a super duper painful sprain which is bad bad bad... So went to the polyclinic and see doctor, take X-ray pics...
And how I love the advice given to me...
Don't walk too much~~~ I also know don't walk too much, can't even walk properly or it's so painful to walk le, how to walk? AND nothing is said about using the knee guard or whatsoever... I simply love this single piece of advice la...
And thanks to
KOK who had accompany me to the polyclinic and helped me...
Mr Tan who drove me to the clinic...
and all the others who helped me in some ways or another....
On a lighter note,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY REGINA WONG!!! Hope you'll have a great time with the cow family... Hahaz... See the impression you gave to your friends? Now everyone will give you cows for you as bday prezzie! Hahaz..
Gonna miss school tomorrow again... Huh~~~ I want do practical leh... I want attend the super important maths lecture leh.... Haiz~~~ Guess I can only stay at home and finish all my weekend homework.... So sadded...
12:28 am
Been quite some days this place had been dead... Even my Vivience in Pet society had gone so smelly, unhappy and hungry...
School is just as hectic as ever, while ever piling amount of work left to do, and more singing 3 times every week... And I screwed my maths test up today T.T... I know how to do, what steps/method to use, but I'm just so CARELESS!!! First, I never take note of the r=0 below the summation sign; worse still, I missed out the multiplication part... WA~~~ Gonna be so so depressed when i get the test back man... Gonna get 0 for this test, i guess...
Well, enough of bad and unhappy stuffs... Wahaha, got my tix for The Village for this sat at esplanade... And so so looking forward to the day...
This girl here obviously slept too much in the evening, almost 3hrs, and now she can't sleep... HOW?!