4:48 pm Thursday, November 20, 2008
Am going to be on HIATUS for the next few weeks... So, Bye Bye to the internet for these few weeks, I think... So sadded...
11:52 pm Sunday, November 16, 2008
Had our 16112008 4A1 BBQ@ECP today... Ok, i know the name is a little long... But nevermind... Went over to Ale's in the morning to get the pit receipt from her... Yea, she still sick, so had to give the BBQ a miss...
Met some at JE station and went ECP together... Krithee brought her sister divvya along... And she's still so shy... Zheng Ming and Leong Aik changed so much... In terms of their heights, and esp panda's voice... Hahaz, someone got a deep voice now... But mentality wise, it's stll the same.. LOL...
And we really made a din in the train and bus.... We were all busy-ing catching up with each other that we were oblivious of the other passengers??? Should I put this in this way... Hmmm... But still, we were kinda noisy, that's quite inconsiderate, I know, but, it only happens once in a blue moon... So, next! hahaz...
Parted our own separate ways for lunch... Me, krithee, divvya, wen jie and rubern went to this indian fast food restaurant to eat... Komala, if i'm not wrong... It's quite nice, thanks to krithee who recommend the dosai... And the serving is huge, very filling, wahahaha....
Gabriel's a pro in catching/kiap-ing the soft toys... He helped Llewyn got one, which was then given to divvya... How nice.. LOL...
Had a not-a-short walk to our pit at area E from area C... And the D2D gang was like complaining throughout the walk... And they were walking at snail speed, I presume?! Hahaz...
Had some games of frisbee, and felt quite bad to leave divvya aside.... So went to the seaside to pick some stones/ shells... And of course to take pictures...
Time flies when you are happy... We ate, played, joked and all... Now, I'm home sweet home from ECP... And I don't know why that I feel headache coming... Shall sleep early... Going M'sia early in the morning...
P.S. I love God and thank Him that He blessed us with such good weather... Though there's quite some false alarms here and there...
And now are the pictures for the day... Perhaps Picasa know that I'm in a good mood today... The pictures came out to be SPLENDID!!!

Don't they look like mum and daughter...

Wahaha... Our 'personalised' pictures...
The D2D....

Some of their members... I'm still not sure about the D2D...

Looking out to the sea for? Hmmm...

Lastly, 4A1'07 is LOVED!

6:32 pm Saturday, November 15, 2008
Just finish the whole series of Hot Shot... Wow! Very exciting indeed! Wahaha... Especially the last part, the Ultimate vs the Wolf... Wa... I LOVE! it sia... Though the ending is kinda sad but I think it should be the most glorious moment for W...
Okay, end of the fantasy world... Tomorrow's the BBQ and Ale is down with high fever... Take care girl... It's really wasted... She joined in the planning yet she can't go because she's sick...
What am i still thinking?
7:25 pm Friday, November 14, 2008
Choir was stressful... Stressful, a suitable word to use? I don't know... It's just that i'm really not enjoying today's session.... Partially cause I kept getting the sops part too... Just have to work doubly hard to get everything right, I guess...
Good Luck to those performing in paragon next week... I know you all can do it! =)
I'm turning into an nocturnal animal yet and again... Can't sleep at night, and want to sleep so much in the day... What's happening to me?? OMG~~~
That should be all for today... So boring, and true enough, november is going to end soon... Time teleports!
Loving basketball fire a.k.a hot shot now...
6:04 pm Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Now I'm in JE library with the jurong gang, bulbul, jun yang, harshenal( i think) and REGINA!
Just finish our BBQ stuffs and now we are gonna wait for the DAY! Wahaha~~ Hope it won't rain that day at all.... PRAYS HARD~~
Came in the noon with Wilson and Shu Ling, but I PS them like 2 hours later... Sorry! =(
Lalalala.... And choir tomorrow and friday... How fun it is!
11:00 pm Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Out with krithee today... Went Plaza Sing for the Coffin... And it's like so so so not nice la... Very slow-paced... Then walked to far east... And we saw this uncle (very obvious!) wearing a female clothings... Like a blouse and skirt... Well, I'm not that against transexuals or whatsoever... But, perhaps he(she) can wear a wig or at least shave...
Walked round far east and accompanied krithee to have her hair extensions done... Waha...
Lib with wilson tomorrow to study... Yes, to study! Got an idiotic review test start of next year... Have to study, or retained?
Evening with the Jurong gang for discussion for BBQ on sunday... YAHOO!!! Can't wait for the BBQ and catching up with the others...
P.S. please play PSP softly... It'll disturb sitting beside you if they wanna nap..
9:25 pm Monday, November 10, 2008
Me left my hand and finger prints in school, and it will be seen by all!!! I mean literally....
Did the tapestry wall with my fellow good-ed souled choir mates in the day... Hahaz... And we all left our hand prints on the wall... It was really fun! =)
Meeting Krithee tomorrow!!! Will be a GREAT day! With my loony friend... Hahahz~~
Am so LOVING! hot shot... Can't wait to finish the whole show!!
12:39 am
Hahaz~~ Thanks to REGINA WONG, I took a extremely accurate test... Wahaha...
This is it:
It's really accurate... At least for me though...
And this is really fun to play with:
Had choir today at TAPAC with wild empire.... Feel of christmas fills the room... We were doing caroling... And I never thought that the alto part for these christmas songs are so hard to grasp! Well, but its certainly a great experience... So am really glad that i turned up... Learnt so many songs within so little time!
Certainly, it's really a great day...
5:44 pm Saturday, November 08, 2008
Some tests i did.. Some sound true, and others are just for fun~~
[The Real Me]
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship. The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates. Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy. How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
- You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
- You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
- You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
- Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
- Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
[Your Working Style]
You are an ingenious innovator who always see new possibilities and new ways of doing things. You have a lot of imagination and initiative for starting projects and a lot of impulsive energy for carrying them out. You are sure of the worth of your inspirations and tireless with the problems involved. You are stimulated by difficulties and most ingenious in solving them. You enjoy feeling competent in a variety of areas and value this in other as well.
You are extremely perceptive about the attitudes of other people, and can use this knowledge to win support for your projects. You aim to understand rather than to judge people.
Your energy comes from a succession of new interests and your world is full of possible projects. You may be interested in so many different things that you have difficulty focusing. Your thinking can then help you select projects by supplying some analysis and constructive criticism of your inspirations, and thus add depth to the insights supplied by your intuition. Your use of thinking also makes you rather objective in your approach to your current project and to the people in your lives.
You are not likely to stay in any occupation that does not provide many new challenges. With talent, you can be inventor, scientist, journalist, troubleshooter, marketer, promoter, computer analysts, or almost anything that it interests you to be.
A difficulty for you is that you hate uninspired routine and find it remarkably hard to apply yourself to sometimes necessary detail unconnected with any major interest. Worse yet, you may get bored with your own projects as soon as the major problems have been solved or the initial challenge has been met. You need to learn to follow through, but are happiest and most effective in jobs that permit one project after another, with somebody else taking over as soon as the situation is well in hand.
Because you are always being drawn to the exciting challenges of new possibilities, it is essential that you develop your judgment. If your judgment is undeveloped, you may commit yourself to ill-chosen projects, fail to finish anything, and squander your inspirations on incompleted tasks.
2:42 am
Am I really not keen to promote?Why do your words hit me as though I'm struck by lightning?What is it that's holding me back?I'm seriously lost within the confused thoughts of mine.Am I seriously thinking about things I should be?Or am I just not trying to avoid reality?What's down with me?I mean, what is this kind of feeling?I should be happy, I think.I should not be thinking like this, by right.Just what on earth am I thinking?What is all these to me?Am I doubting myself yet and again?
11:28 pm Friday, November 07, 2008
Out with Shu Ling and Dennis in the day... Was quite a last minute thing though... Wanted to go to the new Marina Barrage, but unfortunately, we missed the timing for the shuttle bus. And we had to wait for a long long time before the next one arrive... Furthermore that place is like so HOT, SUNNY and DUSTY!!! So in the end, we went round marina square to look for--- I also dunno how to describe...
And now, look at the time now... 2am in the morning... Remind me of the song Only love... Hahahz... Anyway, just finished HSM on youtube... Yea, it's nice... But i think as compared between the 3 series, i think the second one is the best...
Perhaps I really don't feel like promoting~~~
1:13 am
Am so so tired now....
Am so looking forward to the BBQ 161108...
Am so excited of the trip to party world...
Am so dirty, haven bathe yet...
Am so gonna sleep like there's no tomorrow...
Am so loving singing....
Am so relieved withthe results...
Afternoon was well-spent with my S28 friends with the lunch and singing... Then evening is quality time with the jurong gang... Talking, helping out in someone's work and trying to plan for the BBQ!!! Hahaz...
Can't wait for the BBQ... It will be fun with the guys cooking...
hahaz... Opps? Hehheh...
10:07 pm Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Feeling to be a bad gal today... To flare up for no reasons, and to bully someone... That's complete randomness, but who don't feel like this at times? Nevermind...
PMS-ing~~~ This time of the month again... Dumb dumb dumb... I need some form of entertainment!!! You know like someone doing a damn idiotic dance or song in front of me~~~ Wahaha.... Then I shall take a video and post it online... Doing everyone good? Hahaz... Opps~
Hectic year end schedule... Choir all the way!!! Wahaha~~
Every week with choir... Think that this holiday will be gone in a flash...
9:55 pm Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Finally OP is FINISHED!
Time for more singing~~~
11:19 pm Monday, November 03, 2008
Sun was so so so so so so hot this afternoon that I feel utmost irritated.... Then that heavy downpour in the afternoon... I SIMPLY LOVED! IT!!! Seriously hope that it would rain like that tomorrow... So cooling~~~ arh~~~~
OP tomorrow... And I'm still not sleeping though i have to meet @ 9...
Time to loosen up my skin... They are currently in a tighter mode... Hope that the swim will do some help... Badminton or gym, anyone?
Bla bla bla... SO BORED-ed~~~~~~~~~~~~
10:11 pm Sunday, November 02, 2008
NCC-ed with Enc, Kok and Belle @ suntec... Don't even know that The Rock is a church la... Tot it's just some themed restaurants...
After that went star factory... Kok and me tried that car-racing game.... It's seriously hell lots of fun... To start with, 2 drivers in the same car... Then, still can shake one... Just like sitting in a real car... And I finally know how to drift!!! Wahahaaha~~~
Then walked around and saw this piece... Cheap deal, consider my size, lol... And am loving it... Hahaz, so one thing down in my 'wants list'....
Me with my new hairdo~~~

Hehe... The dress~~
4:41 pm Saturday, November 01, 2008
Me just had a haircut!!! And it's short short short.... Ok la, not very short, still can tie but it's still SHORT as compare to the previous one...
Slacking all the way!!! WAHAHAHA~~~~~~~~~~~~