1:36 pm Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat?!?!
Today's Halloween, but sad that Singapore don't really celebrate this... We kids got one thing less to entertain ourselves and get goodies~~~
Bored Bored Bored, cause I'm currently stuck at home rotting under the sweltering heat... I'm a mysterious dark choc, mind you! Hahaz... Okay, I'm really under the random-ing spell... So well become very nonsensical~~~ But it will be off tomorrow... That witch is only an apprentice, yea, so it, the total randomness spell, will only be effective for one day...
Okk, enough of random things... Shall go off to find other things to do with my nonsensical thinking today....
Labels: Total Randomness~~~
8:27 pm Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Today is half a great day spent with my LOONY friend, Krithee... Super Duper Very Long never see her alr... Like today go out together and all... Friday again yea? It's really fun knowing that you are still as retard and loony as ever!!!
Chinese 'A's tomorrow... And I'm not pinning high hopes on it... My compos for the mocks had been detoriating from a 40+ to like around 38... So sadded... So, a B should be the norm for me...
OP's next tues... Promotional result is next thurs...
Wanted to get into OGL... But I'm not chosen... Never mind... I still got other plans... Heehee~~~[/edit]
Trying to unblock my nose.... Dumb dumb...
10:27 pm Monday, October 27, 2008
300+ posts till now... Random~~~
2 hours of show which is ok... Nevermind... My next one shall be Boltz? Or something like that... The disney 3-D one... Nov, coming soon...
You're still on my mind...
7:03 pm Sunday, October 26, 2008
High School Musical 3 is nice... Currently watching High School Musical 2...
PW (OP) is fun.... Hopefully, everything will turn out just to be all right...
And back to TV now!!
Think I sprained my ankle... It's really killing me!!!
7:07 pm Friday, October 24, 2008
69~~~ Look like symbol for Cancer...
My favourite number... After 17 years of searching, I finally found it... Hehe... A bit dumb, but isn't this wad i'm suppose to do during the last day of school term??? DUMB THINGS!!! Wahaha~~~
Butterfly lovers with Keane just now... Hahaz, nice nice show... Sad that Enc watched it and disliked it, and Kok got her GM... No show that I'minterested in the moment... Not HSM3, cause I didn't even watch 1 and 2... So how to watch 3???
Hopefully can meet-up with Krithee the coming friday...
LOL... Random, most random...
Last day of official school term... But more to go with Chinese 'A's, PW, Choir,choir and more choir~~~
10:33 pm Thursday, October 23, 2008
Did 2 tests and came the same results--- I'm a right brainer¬¬¬¬
You Are 15% Left Brained, 85% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.
The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.
Most right-brained people like you are flexible in many realms of their lives. Whether picking up on the nuances of musical concerto, appreciating the subtle details in a work of art, or seeing the world from a different perspective, right-brained people are creative, imaginative, and attuned to their surroundings.
People probably see your thinking process as boundless, and that might translate to your physical surroundings as well. Some people think of you as messier than others. It's not that you're disorganized, it's just that you might use different systems to organize (by theme, by subject, by color). Straight alphabetization and rigidly ordered folders are not typical of right-brained behavior.
You are also more intuitive than many. When it comes to reading literature, you probably prefer creative writing or fiction over nonfiction. And when it comes to doing math, you might find you enjoy geometry more than other forms like algebra.
Hahahz... Random... Which brain are you?
10:38 pm Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The above says everything I'd been doing for the past few days....
Sad to say, while there is constant input, there aren't much output....
Am tired, so gonna sleep... But I need to bathe first... Dirty girl bathe late in the night.... See what's the time~~~
10:47 pm Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Been heavily sleeping~~~ And still wanting to sleep more... Is this a kind of disorder too??? Since, they can have disorders for nearly everything...
Game of volleyball made my arms look disgusting...
I think I'm screwed for the OP just now...
I don't think I can sing tomorrow~~~ Sore throat developing
My results SUCKS! and I'm getting them soon.... Rebecs, how much time left?
Concentration span is getting shorter...
Chinese mock is really wasting my time
No amount of sleep seems to be enough for me
I'm so feeling lost now
Random random and more randomness
Just ignore evrything you see here....
9:08 pm Monday, October 20, 2008
The highter you go, the lesser friends you'll get... Realised thru Viwawa... So sadded...
Chinese mock is such a waste of time...
Doodling is FUN! Singing is LOVED! Sleeping is ADORED!
10:44 pm Sunday, October 19, 2008
Time spent at home yesterday was so short... Went out in the morning with mum and bro for breakfast... Then in the noon, went to siti's house with su, ale and ta... Nice time talking with each other, though I see ta almost everyday...
Then to JP arcade to meet Shuling, dennis and eric... Hahaz... Saw David playing DDR... That para boy finally changd to other games... LOL... So so long never see him... Little catch up then continued some other games...
Went to Central to meet my family... It was my Sis birthday, so went eat some indian cuisine... Hehehe... I think nice leh, but because I got more indian friends than them...
Nice Nice Day out...
And today, I'm a 宅女...
11:20 pm Friday, October 17, 2008
changed my blogskin... nice??
Anw, been lacking of sleep for the past few days... Can't sleep at night, and want to sleep in the day... Gonna be an owl soon...
Went Huimin's house just now to do OP script with kok, nanthinee and june... Dumbass... Why need script? So ma fan lor.... MJ-ed to unwind after the whole thing... Hahaz... Lady luck is with me today, i assume... Sad no $$ involved, or else, I might win some...
Kays, finally, I think I'm feeling sleepy now... I can become a human again!!! LOL...
Sleep, sleep, sleep... Drift me out of this chaotic world...
11:26 pm Monday, October 13, 2008
Each of the section...

Look at this... So nice... And the table looks neat...

But looks can be deceiving... The mess we made... Hahaz...

And after everything, comes my favourite pastime--- photo-taking!!!

Me and Keane... I really don't know what explains that weird expresion on me... Hehe

Me and Cass... I like myself in this pic... LOL... Still can't stop being a narcissist~~~

Went NLB to do the 'tiles', actually cardboard that cost 3 dollars each--- ARGH, with cass, keane and wilson... Should i even say that it's fun??? Hmm... don't know la.... Took some pics after we finish, to 'congratulate' ourselves for finishing it???
Then went on to JEC with keane and wilson to meet dennis... Don't even think that the guys would be half as serious in study than playing time crisis... Got proof one ok? Went for neoprint and off to koba for dinner... Hahz, and saw Eileen with Jian Wen... What a coincidence... LOL....

Serious, aren't they??? LOL...
Then now home, gonna sleep soon... The day is so much shorter when it's spent doing things that you aren't forced to do...
Long days coming ahead before weekends comes again~~~
1:46 am

I'm so gonna watch this show... Been waiting for it's arrival since I first saw it's trailer and its song over the radio... Seriously, I think I might just somply love it, cause i'm so into the original story... =)

Another NICE NICE show! Very exciting, and definitely a lot more better than eagle eye... Reallu the best thriller of the year!
2:23 pm Sunday, October 12, 2008
Wanna know what this is all about? Just click on the link. =)

12:59 pm Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday is the best-est day of the week... No need go school (for some reasons, school isn't my favourite place anymore); can wake up late; no need to squeeze in a crowded bus; and other reasons I can't think of...
independent learning day or us, but I'm gonna finish all the work by tomorrow, so can have fun on mon! Wahaha... Been reaching home late since the start of the normal cirriculum on tues... Hope I can reach home earlier next week to watch my 7pm show... -)
List of things to do.....
1. PW
6.Surf net
10 things to do within 2 days... Kay, going off...
Reading is good for mental development....
10:04 pm Thursday, October 09, 2008
Am in a utter BAD mood currently...
1.The heater is still taking forever to heat up... 2.I'm dreading to go school...3.It's so hard for me to get to sleep4.It's even harder for me to wake up5.I'm been eating non-stop6.I'm not feeling good7.I'm PMS-ing(serious case this time round)8.I'm so broke9.I cannot read my papers10.Bad mood no need reasoning...Am so so so freaking irritated for unknown reasons... Nevermind... Bye world, if you're still with me.....
11:44 pm Sunday, October 05, 2008
Am back after on hiatus for a short 2.5 days... Was off to Ale's birthday chalet for the past 2 days... And I think it had been a huge success, though she must had been tire out completely...
Am so so happy, cause managed to catch up with each others' lives and also to enjoy ourselves... Mahjong and poker... Hahaz... I know how to play a new poker game alr... Thanks to Ale, Munyee and Eddie... Hahaz....
*Got my belated Bday prezzie from Su.... LOL... Really love them... But su, why of all pictures, you chose that? Nevermind, I still like it!!! And you really know me... Hahaz.... You know what I mean... Heheheheeee....*
Back home this morning and went out again within 1.5 hour... Went bugis... National lib to do my PW... Hahaz, conducive enough for me to finish my work real quick...
Normal school's starting soon... And shall start another phase of intensive PW and Chinese....
Will I get my A??? Lalala....
12:00 am Thursday, October 02, 2008

Shall just dedicate this post to you...
On the fateful day,02012006... I got into 3A1... And this girl Alethia Toh also got into the same class as me... Lucky??? I don't know... Already heard of her name since lower sec... Noisy girl, I thought... Not going to click with her... But things turned out to be very different from what I had thought... Fun to be with, crazy and noisy, this is still her trademark....
Then some things happened... And I had forgotten when it was that I became friends with her,when I became her Big Momma... Hahaz... The town trips, the ikea trips, the hectic school life, the study trips at frontier.... Her standing all my nonsense and random-ness.... Me confiding to her....
P.S. Wanted to print that 'card' above for you... But, appearantly, my printer don't want to work with me... So shall just post it here... And this is confirm for you only.... Cuz, I won't make copies of things posted here...
And have a SWEET SWEET SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY!!! Shall see you during your chalet...
10:57 pm Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Went swimming with
REGINA in the late morning/ noon as you call it.... Hahaz, and that cow kept complaining that there's no sun for her to become dark.... Swam for 28 rounds, 'cause we are from S28... Hahaz.... But according to my bros, that is called 14 laps... Whatever~~~
Okay, I know I damn lousy.... Though there's really no sun, or perhaps, got sun, but it's not even strong at all.... But, I found myself getting RED.... Hahaz.... Remembered how the girls joked previously when we're swimming in Xue's condo.... LOL... Sheau Jyu can get burn without sun!!! Hahaz.... Really miss them loads loads loads....
And had a great nap that leaves me here unable to get back to sleep.... Anw, Don't care and don't feel like caring.... Lalala~~~
Tomorrow's inter-house games.... Not participating, yet need to go school.... Somemore dunno what to wear... Sianz sia....
Lastly, to all who are like me--- Young and energetic, or even if you are old, but still young at heart, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!!
P.S. Chlorine makes hair dry.... No amount of conditioner can help solve it.....