10:36 pm Thursday, July 31, 2008
Zhang Zhi's last lesson today... Feel so normal sia.... And I wonder what will the new teacher do if we are to be late for his class.... Shall see, shall see.... Like nothing very interesting is on going in school... Boring....
And finally, I'm disciplined enough to do my filing.... And it's like so not fun... No wonder i had dragged it till now to finish filing....
Lastly, Aaron's red hair(though only the fringe) is damn freaking cool la.... How I wish I could have my hair dyed too... But I'll have to wait for a long long time.... Nevermind....
1:57 pm Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Me no go school today, cuz me head pain and I see stars all around me....
Me no go see doctor, cuz me eat panadol can alr...
Me miss out the fun in school, cuz me stay at home...
Just feeling damn stupid, hence the sentence structure above.... But seriously, i think panadol a bit no use sia.... Cuz now I'm still having headache...
Got to go now and do some last minute mugging for my econs test.... Tests, tests and more tests.... Boring life starts now!!!
5:31 pm Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Currently at Jas kok's place doing National Day project with Reg, Enc and Wan Ru... And currently we are all laughing like some siao gilas.... And Reg is getting very crazy....
And now is going to be 7.... We still at her house working.... But we are finally a bit more normal now...
7:37 pm Saturday, July 26, 2008

AS you can see, my ankle had transformed into a pig trotter in white bandage... And I tried acupuncture for the first time... It's like having injection though... Thought it would be something more exciting....
Went to school with my mummy in the morning for the parent meeting... And OMG!!! my pure and innocent image had been tarnished by her.. uh-oh... LOL...
Integration is damn hard sia.... Am still struggling to complete the tutorial... Haiz~~~ But it's a lot more better than physics la..... :)
10:28 pm Thursday, July 24, 2008
MR(Cuz I still respect him as an elder)[(BT)^2] just turn me off ... I'm not that kinda HCI kid that get everything just with a snap of the finger, nor am I that inclined to physics... So please don't expect me to get everything as fast as the others, cuz I can't! And I don't care if he'll see this or not... Internet is never safe anyways.... But still I'll prove him wrong... I'll make sure I pass my physics and get promoted to my J2 end of this year... And please stop addressing the class as if there's only guys there.... If you freaking want to use 'Ladies and Gentlemen', say both the genders, and not to the guys only.... If not just call us as a class like what Mdm Shafa always do...
I HATE male chauvinists.... And I admit i'm a feminist.... I don't belief that females are just not as good as guys.... MCP SUCKS LIKE VACUUM CLEANERS!
Am having a FUCKING BAD MOOD currently.... Cuz This dirty baby here haven't bathe and also of that bloody PMS thing.... And congrats to me! I sprained my ankle again... But am lazy to go see doctor... Shall see how it goes tomorrow....
I don't know why I'm feeling sorry for myself
I spend all my time wishing that I was someone else
12:50 am Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sometimes, learning to say a simple 'thank you' will make elseone's day.... Learning how to smile will lead one a long way... Some people just take things for granted... I thought I saw a reflection of myself.... Luckily it's the old me, not the present me....
Oh well, just emo-ing above... School been kinda boring for the past week... Integration is damn sucky... Like differentiation more.... But that trip to China.... Please please let me go..... :)
=) =P =D =S =( =*) !) ;) :) :(
10:00 pm Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Went back to CTSS with Ta in the afternoon after school... Testimonial looks like the one I have in my report book... But of course got add more things... Then Krit came to meet us... She still as crazy... Went to look for Mr ET and chatted for a while before going off... And I can't believe I can stand there and talk to Ms Ng sia... And this trip back makes me want to go back to the good old 4A1 days....
I agree with you Krit. I also want to wear CTSS uniform, stay as 4A1 and let the teachers teach us again, even if it's only for one day.... :(
'A' Levels is 10 times 'O' Levels --- Mr ET
Shit shit shit....
7:50 pm Saturday, July 12, 2008
The gathering was lots of talking and only some piccas taking.... Really nice to like get back together and like crap and all la.... Went home after that cuz appearantly a lot of them have some kind of curfew or another and that retarded Su got to do the retarded PW... So, in the end went home and slept on the sofa for like 2+ hours....
There's some neighbourhood activity going on downstairs... So it's like so noisy la.... Pictures wil be like another day(week/month??), since most of them are in teacher's camera... That's all for now... And I'm gonna cook-eat maggie(shld I??) le...
8:58 am
Home alone with CG.... Cuz my mummy's @ m'sia again.... Got back my maths results yesterday.... Was kinda surprise that I can pass... that aside.... Going back CTSS later for gathering.... So good... Con go see a lot long long nv see people le... Hahaz... Just woke up so still like dunno wad i'm saying....
6:06 pm Thursday, July 10, 2008
I'm out with my new beau--- My nearly one month old lappy.... Like so fast yet so slow... Contradicting... I know... I want go get my testimonials.... But go back alone very sian sia... Anyone wanna go back like this friday, or I mean tomorrow....
I still like in the rotting mood... Don't really feel like doing anything, but I have to... Lalala....
Had my 'A's Chinese oral just now.... About appearance and achievement.... Wonder if I can get my Distinction with that kind of rubbish conversation I had just now...
10:58 pm Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Doomsday for me... Got back most of my results.... Some are ME, some are BE and one is EE for me la... okay, and shall stop now.... Know it's a super duper short post.... But this dirty girl here have not bathe and have Chinese Oral tomorrow... Wish her luck then...
10:09 pm Tuesday, July 08, 2008
The person who last tag you is:
Your relationship with her is:
Five impression of her:
She's dangerous
She's always sleepy for some unknown reasons
Her STM is darn serious
She's my friend
And I dunno...
The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
She remembered to get me a prezzie????
The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
She got super memory???
If he/she become your lover, you will
be constantly afraid if my life would be taken??? :P
If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be
Her tendency to kill me!!! LOL...
If he/she become your enemy, you will
(Will she be my enemy ever???)
If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
I really dunno
The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is
Give her a friendly hug! (you want it??)
Your overall impression of him/her is
She's so adorable, just like me!!!
How you think people around you will feel about you?
How would i know???
The characters you love of yourself are:
I'm easy-going, friendly,etc
On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are
I'm a procastinator
The most ideal person you want to be is:
No one. =)
For people that care and like you, say something to them
I send my heart for you:)
Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:
SITI ZULIAFA(so many 'siti's out there, need to specify:))
Who is no.6 having relationship with?(REBECCA)
She's single. Though she scandalize.. :P
Is no.9 a male or female?(Krithee)
If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?(Siti and Regina)
It will be unusual though. They are straight. I'm nt sure for regina though :P
What is no.2 studying about?(WanRu)
PJC. In the same class as me:)
What kind of music band does no.8 like?(Aisyah)
I dunno.
Does no.1 have any siblings?(Huisu)
Will you woo no.3?(Jasmine Kok)
hmmm... Hard to say =P
How about no.7?(Siti)
Nope.... She's only interested in guys. *sob*
What is the surname of no.5?(Alethia)
What 's the hobby of no.4?(Encarni)
Does no.5 and 9 get along well?(Alethia and Krithee)
Sure =)
Where is no.2 studying at?(WanRu)
Pioneer Junior College
Talk something casually about no.1:(Huisu)
Milky Han!
Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?(Aisyah)
Kinda difficult to...
Where does no.9 live at?(Krithee)
Bishan, Sin Ming Ave
What colour does no.4 like?(Encarni)
Are no.5 and 1 best friend?(Alethia and Huisu)
Not best, but friends
Does no.7 like no.2?(Siti and Wanru)
They dunno each other.
How do you get to know no.2?(WanRu)
We are classmates:)
Does no.1 have any pets?(Huisu)
Guinea Pigs
Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?(Siti)
How you define sexy?
What is no. 10 doing now?(Regina)
Slacking somewhere?
And I think it's time for me to know my friends further :D
8:28 pm Monday, July 07, 2008
Went over to Bollywood Veggies with the 'Hortcakes/Bloody Donkeys(named after the trip)' for PW interview in the morning.... And it was like very very well done... Ms Ivy was kind enough to answer all our questions and even bring us around the whole place... And for goodness sake, she have
9 dogs at home. And at least 2 of them are great danes... So can imagine dancing Cha Cha with her dogs... LOL.... And her maid even like bake banana cake, and we all have a share of it.... Can really eat,feel,see,smell the banana in it la....
After the interview, went to Jas Kok's house to do our written report... And her house got so many variety of instant noodles for us to choose la... I got the seefood one, but I seriously think that the TomYam one is the best :P
Then home sweet home.... Dunno why I'm so tired today... Slept all the way from CCK till the stop before mine.... Wanted to sleep to the interchange initially, but the thought of having to wait for another bus brought me down the bus... Yea, and school's gonna start officially for lessons tomorrow.... Should really get out of my holiday mood le ba...
12:03 am
Been rotting and rotting and rotting at home for the past few days... Gonna be a decomposed pig under human disguise soon....
Going to Bollywood Veg. tomorrow for PW... Hopes everything will just turn out well... And time for me to do some jogging.... And darn-it-slow runners or u mean walkers (also can) join me...
And now should be time to sleep before a hectic day await me....
11:48 pm Friday, July 04, 2008
Very very bored indeed!!! Nothing to do for the whole day... So like Viwawa-ed and rot the whole day... Hope that tomorrow won't be the same...
WanRu: I LOVE that bear, and I'll make sure I'll feed it everyday!
12:46 pm Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Caught Wanted last night after the bball game.... Perhaps my expectations for the show was too high... Kinda like a bit slow paced for me... And wasn't like as exciting as i thought it would be... It would be my piece of cake, just that the taste is slightly off.... But must agree with Ale that 'fuck' is a common vocab for the actors.... And Angelina Jolie is damn HOT!!
Been sleeping for straight 10 hours for the past 2 days.... Whoots! I like! Though exam period is no no good, but little things like this kinda of 'privilege' really brighten me up ;D
Gonna change my blogskin.... Kinda sick of the current one....