11:12 pm Monday, June 30, 2008
Caught 10 promises to my dog at Plaza Sing with Wan Ru, Christella and Wilson just now.... Really FANTASTIC show can? Give it 300% worthy of your money la.... And thanks to Wan Ru who had insisted watching it.... Or else, we would like miss such a GOOD show...
Throughout the show, you can hear sniffing all over, then all of a sudden, everyone will just burst out in laughter.... Really torture people one la... Make us 哭笑不得lor... LOL....
Being very good and happy( partly because it was my last paper today), I shall not be a spoiler... But advice to all who are going to watch it... Bring lots of tissue and empty your bladder before the show starts.... You wouldn't want to miss any part of it :D
11:32 pm Friday, June 27, 2008
FUCK THE PHYSICS LA!!!!! Don't even know what the hell I was thinking when I choose that.... Fuck that dumb brain of mine la!
Physics is like so freaking hard can?!?!?! Equations, formulas, vector diagrams.... Call me write i can... Call me use them, how to??? Teacher always use different method do the same question... I don't even know which one to use la.... Think everyone as fast as him meh??? Think everyone know what he was saying meh??? BIG FUCK!
Not going to touch physics after I leave JC.... NO NO NEVER AGAIN WILL I TOUCH IT!!!
Damn frustrated with physics now la... Don't know what I am reading now.... Ask tio, never ask also tio... What is this????
9:29 pm Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Taking time off to blog now... Tomorrow's my chinese paper.... Hope that the compo will just come out some retarded titles like 我的妈妈/ 让你难忘的一件事。。。LOL... Just some of my craps again.... But seriously, this kind of compo the best to crap about one lor.... :)
ECONS was like okay to me la.... Should be able to pass???? China studies was a killer... I practically crapped for both essays la.... Who called me to forget my stuffs... I DON'T WANT RETAIN LA!!!
I seriously can't do my physics.... Uh-oh...
8:01 pm Monday, June 23, 2008
Just back from malaysia.... Nothing really interesting about the short stay there, yea, so gonna skip the whole thing altogether.....
P.s. I got durians!!!! <3<3<3
& Senai Airport look so damn BUDGET
Thanks all the darlings who sent me birthday wishes in the wee hours of the morning... Despite the fact that you all have school, exams or work today... Really appreciated it... Sometimes, it's just a simple wish from you that make my day :)
Hah! And from today onwards, I'm officially 17, seventeen,十七岁, (I don't know how to spell the malay one) !!! & one more year for more things awaiting me!
Lalalala.... And THANKS again :D :D :D
And my papers start tomorrow.... RAWR!
12:20 am Wednesday, June 18, 2008

From REGINA... From Taiwan....
She said she ate my 铁蛋s.... ARGH!!!!

The two keys there cute right??? Used that to pay at counter....
Went Ma Maison (Jap Western restaurant) at BUGIS for dinner just now.... Suppose to be my birthday dinner.... Very EARLY indeed.... Had this beef stew thing in a Korean stone bowl.... Nice nice... Had escargots(snails) too... But seems like it's kinda too salty for me....
Went to JCO to chill after that.... We all had like a dozen of assorted doughnuts and 5 more complimentary glazzy doughnuts, cause we bought 5 drinks....
Was like so freaking full after the whole thing... Stand throughout the train ride home, and even walked home(which I always don't).... But, now I'm still trying to digest.... So can imagine how much I've eaten/ how weak my gastric is... Taking so long to digest the food....
Seems like this year I might be celebrating my birthday in advance.... Meeting Su this sat... Hah, private date... LOLs....
I'm gonna get that
NIKE bottle....
6:20 pm Sunday, June 15, 2008
Am so so dead now.... Can faint from acute pain and excessive loss of blood currently.... Feeling so freaking lethargic though I like did nothing today and the fact that I just woke up from some long nap I had just now...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANRU! Stay happy and all.... Yea...
Tomorrow going back to school for some econs revision lecture.... But the homework due.... Uh-oh... It's like just half-done.... So shit-ass man... And it's like one more week + one day= 8 days to the first paper... Double the shit and the ass....
ARGH! And now my brain hasn't fully warm up yet... Need to place my head into some microwave oven to heat it up... Or some equipment that emits infrared... Lalala....
The above are some rantings from a heavy-headed person who9 need some heat for her brain....
11:10 am Friday, June 13, 2008
Super duper very restless now.... Just got my new lappy yesterday at the PC show.... TOSHIBA M800??? I think so.... Glossy look... Black... Not squarish!<3... Not heavy! Hahaz... That's the merits of it, I think.... Demerits... Hmm.... The volume button is turn one, not those pressed one.... Don't like.... Got feather touch function... Means i have to be 200% more cautious when using it.... Yea... Other than these, I think no more....
Need to get on with my maths now.... Or else, I really no time le....
12:24 am Sunday, June 08, 2008
PRODUCTIVE STUDYING TODAY!!! GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD :):):):):):) Got My econs mostly done... Only left with market structure.... Lalala... HAPPY!
Library still the best place to study....
Like after 6 hrs of studying in lib, went Pioneer mall to meet up with Ale and Llewyn to discuss for the class outing tomorrow.... Then Wilson came to meet, cause he don't feel like going home... Idiotic sia.... But good la... At least got someone to walk home with me...
And I'm so proud of myself... I know la... This post very narcissist... Lalalazzz.....
Events to come in the days to come.....
4A1 Class Outing at ECP!!! <3<3<3<3
Hort-tourism in the north....
Study study study....
The Mid- year EXAMS!!! :(
11:52 am Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Went JE library to study with wilson and abigail yesterday.... And I underestimated China Studies.... Uh-oh... So shall continuing to chiong for CSE today... Hope that I can at least finish the notes for it... Or else, I.....
And I saw
AISYAH in the library! Lols... Really very looong never see her alr... She's like still crazy la, though not as crazy as compared to during the 4A1 period.... Saw me, but never call me... Was standing there, waiting for me to look up... I wonder if I never look up and see her, will she still continue standing there like some idiot... Hahaz.... Never change overall, though her hair is like longer... Look more feminine.... Hmmm~~~~ Hahaz...
Sorta update on each other lives, talking like what we use to do and cam-ed! And she's going for the class outing this SUN! YEA!!! Almost whole class going for it... Goody goody good good...

With aisyah... Faved! =D

Don't she look more like a lady... hmmm... lols

Wanna take a narcissistic shoot... But wad's that next to me??? Hahaz...
After like one hour, aisyah went off to do her PW, and the PS king finally came.... Studied studied studied.... And lalala....
NO MORE LONG JOHN BEFORE A BUS 99 RIDE.... It's terrifying!
Happening events.... Muahahaa!
~Finish CSE today!
~Start Econs today!
~Class outing(s)
~du kiu
~new shorts<3
~horti-touring for PW
~Prince Caspian<3
~Study study study...
10:44 am Sunday, June 01, 2008
Happening Happenings~~~~
Concert was over last night.... Lots of laughter and all... Songs were good.... Little hiccups here and there... And it's there last time the J1s and J2s are gonna stand together as PJC choir to perform together.... Kinda sad, it's them who taught us how to sing the songs....
Took many pics, but none is with me.... HP was running flat... So was using others' phones/cameras to take pictures....
Good luck to the J2s who will be sitting for their 'A's this year....
Is it my problem? Why is it that everytime after a performance, there is always a sense of emptiness within me??? It's really no good feeling...