10:09 pm Thursday, February 28, 2008
GP is getting INTERESTING! I'm just simply love the topic of Ethnics, Values and Moral Values la! Hahaz.... Econs is do-able... The great show is ahead... And I think the physics teachers are a bit___... Hahaz... Feel free to fill in the blanks.... LOL...
And it's so OMG la!!! I can't stand the chinese teachers la... Their mandarin are so accurate and all that it gives me goosebumps la... Had chinese in hall... Boring boring boring... So in the end sang/hummed songs to past time.... P.S. It's REALLY BORING!
Went to the Sanctuary with Sze Him... Wanted to play pool, but it was like booked and I had lectures after that, so went to play some card game- kaching, with 3 other JC1(?) strangers... Hahaz...
Having cross-country tomorrow... And I dread it la!!! Starting at bout 3 and ends at bout 5... ARGH!!! And on a lighter note, another clementeen join in PJ... And she's--- MILLIE! Hahaz... But sad that she's taking completely different subjects, so no chance being in the same class...
And lalala... Just found that i don't have pictures when in town the other day with the girls... RAWR!!!
9:04 pm Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Maths lecture is like so full la... The LT was like so packed that some even have to sit on the floor... Luckily, this is only temporary...
Hating chinese now la... Need to write so many things... ARGH!!!
Town with Ale and Aifa after school... Went Bibi and Baba to get my blouse... And now, I can finally wear proper PJ uniform to school... Fried Mars Bars!!!! Yummy yummy yum yum! And it's like long long loooong time never see them alr lor... Sooo miss them la! Missed all those times we had in class... How I start to miss sec sch life now...
Took some pics but will be uploading them another time... Someone's 'blowing' me to leave the laptop...
5:45 pm Monday, February 25, 2008
Attended the first mass lectures of my life today... And GP is sooo boring la...
Going town tomorrow to get my school U... and hopefully everything will be smooth sailing for me...
9:45 pm Sunday, February 24, 2008
I lost my voice, and it haven't found it's way back!!! ARGH! Shall continue working in the weekends... Grace had her last day with us today... And I'm gonna miss you la.... You so funny... Hahaz...
And my almost no-life lifestyle starts now!!!!
11:59 am Saturday, February 23, 2008
Just finished my 3-day orientation yesterday... Fun FUn Fun!!! Really love it la... Especially the 2nd and 3rd day, when OG10 (woohootts) had warm up and got to know each other... Lots of games, cheers, dances, and more!!! And for goodness sake! The college song is sooo sooo nice la... Really.
Mass lectures start next week... And I must find my specs real fast before my eyes suffers....
Really hope I could get into that course combi I want to...
H2:Maths, Physics and Econs
H1: China studies in El...
Xiao Mei
Siew Wei
Sze Him, Kash, Cherry
4:50 pm Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Got my JAE results SMS this morning... Though it's like 'a bit' far from where i'm living, but i think it's quite okay la.... Soon, I'll be embarking my new learning journey in PJ... Ok la... This time no one make choices for me... I choose them all by myself... Hahaz... Ok.. I'm starting for nonsense talk again........
Lalalala.... Who's in the same school as me? I know ta is with me... But who else???
10:24 pm Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm now a proud owner of a SE K550I handphone.... Wahahaha... I know I really Suaku... But, I'm like so happy la! After all, it's the first camera phone I own leh... Furthermore it's the first phone I paid for... Of course I happy la... Hahaz... Now I'm gonna work towards my next goal... A sony PSP... Which will take like ages and ages for me to get it la... But good things are worth waiting for... Let's see how long it'll be needed before I get another electronic gadget... Hahaz...
I'm so in need of a memory stick now... 2gb is too much... I think 1 gb is just nice... Hmmm.... Any nice soul out there willing to get me one for my birthday which is still long away from??? LOL....
Posting results will be out tomorrow... Can't believe that school is starting so soon... ARGH!!! Been like merrying around for so long, and suddenly school's starting... COOL! Hahaz... Shall stop my nonsense and show a narcissistic shot of mine....

Lastly... Took this from Eileen's blog... So nice la!

7:03 pm Friday, February 15, 2008
New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!New phone!{*chants*}
I'm gonna get a new phone after #$%^&*&^%$#$%^&^%$ days.... Hopefully it'll be K550I.... ARGH!!!!!! There goes my salary...
K55oI![on and on].....
10:29 pm Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines'/Singles'/Friendship/etc. to all!!!!
Wheeeeheheheheeee!!! Went out, vivo to be exact, with Eileen, Limei and Bernice... Had lots and lotsa fun la.... Go walk walk see see try try eat eat play play... Tried some tops, but none caught my eyes... If not, I'll be eyeless now.. lol... I know lame la... Were craving for ice cream while walkin in face shop, so went over to white dog to eat... $12 on menu... ~$14 on bill... Why can't they just show all the prices with GST and bla bla blas in the menu???? Stupid la...
And yea yea... Saw Fiona who's working there... Then Ale and Mark came to meet
us @whitedog... But those 2 really funny la... go town after that to go eat pasta... more random than me lor...
departed with Eileen at LS... She going sam party... I not close to them ma, so didn't go... Then went on NTUC to get some things... Hahaz... So FUN la!!! Cause i not wearing specs+tie hair, they almost didn't recognise me la... LOL... So fun...
Who say only couples can have a great 14th feb??? We had a fabulous 14th Feb too!!!
12:16 pm Wednesday, February 13, 2008
LOL... I'm so clever la... Bruises all over me and I can hardly notice them... Hahaz... Gonna have a busy evening ahead, or i hope so...
Sometimes I think I'm crazy lor... I would rather there is more business, so I can work more... When many just want the opposite... Don't know la....
School will be starting soon for me, I think so... But I don't seem to be prepared to go to school yet... Still in a play play mode leh... How??? Die...
Today is the 7th day of CNY... Many people go lo hei today... Sad Sad Sad... If I'm not sick on mon, I could go lo hei and watch movie le... Haiz~~~ NVM! I will always have the chance to do it again! Hahaz...
Loving Jiafa's show now hahaz... His horoscope one is so interesting la...
10:37 am Monday, February 11, 2008
Went bai nian again yesterday... Old neighbour house and Su's house.... Spent quite a slacking afternoon yesterday.... And I'm not going to play indian poker with su anymore.... Always cheat one lor... And learnt a new game-saboteur... Su's bro and his gf taught us(Su, her sis, me and Jac) how to play it... Fun la... But I can't really concentrate during the game...
Left early... And have a splitting headache... So took my temp... Hahaz... Fever. Stupid la... But should be okay now... Lalala...
12:38 am Sunday, February 10, 2008
Went 拜年 with Yen Sze, Joanne and Eileen today... went to like so many places la... Eileen's house, the Krit's, Yen Sze and Joanne's... All never came to mine cause i'll be like moving soon... So not goot to have a messy house to entertain visitors ma... But but but, I'm gonna have a house warming over at the new house... Till then I'll invite you all to come... Hahaz...
Long long time never see Mrs Sam le... Than today see her so happy... Sleepy now, so don't mind my seriously broken ENG... Anw, lunch at her house was great! Her curry very nice, but the nicest food is the 'yellow pancake'... I forgot the name la... But really very nice lor.... Yum yum...
No doubt that Divya is Krit's sister... Keep bullying me with her spongebob balloon... But I shall pardon her cause she's so cute la... And funny too... Krithee no. 2! lol...
Went to play playground and took lots of pics while waiting for Sze's parents to go home... Saw little children playing big big bubbles... If only I have the chance to play them when I'm young too... Hahaz....
Lastly to Joanne's house... Had great girls talk in her room... Lalala...
Going Su's house tomorrow... And hopefully an old neighbour's house too....
I'm getting a new phone these few days.... HAPPY! Say bye bye to the lan until cannot lan de phone le! Hahaz....
Side effects of too many tibits... Sore-throat coming now... Uh-oh...
P.S. I need people give me ideas to do my new room... Almost clueless on how to do it....
11:59 pm Friday, February 08, 2008
Lalalala.... I like this song now...
庆幸有你爱我失去和拥有 刹那的感动 人生有时候像一场梦 醒着的时候 睁开了双眸 不如意的很多 朋友和情人 来的来走的走 反反覆覆 寻寻觅觅 为了什么 要多少时间 才能够了解 其实 有你就足够 握着你的手 走过快乐和难过 黑夜白昼我们都曾经拥有 人生是没有定律的一种节奏 不如用心去感受 快乐的一刻 胜过永恒的难过 黑夜过后就有日出和日落 两个人走不会寂寞 每一刻都会珍惜 都会把握 庆幸有你爱我 失去和拥有 泪水和笑容 人生有时候像一场梦 累了的时候 闭上的双眸 谁在回忆上游 多少的朋友 来的来走的走 聚散从来都不给任何的理由 转过身以后 才忽然感受 你一直都在背后 握着你的手 走过快乐和难过 黑夜白昼每个人都会拥有 人生是没有定律的一种节奏 不如用心去感受 快乐的一刻 胜过永恒的难过 黑夜过后就有日出和日落 两个人走不会寂寞 每一刻都会珍惜 都会把握 庆幸有你爱我 握着你的手 走过快乐和难过 黑夜白昼每个人都会拥有 人生是没有定律的一种节奏 不必在乎得太多 快乐的一刻 胜过永恒的难过 黑夜过后就有日出和日落 只要和你一起度过 人生没几人懂我 懂得把握 庆幸有你 爱我
7:35 am Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Lalala... And I'm still in singapore... LOL...
Just cut my hair last night... A foreseen disaster turned out to be quite nice... But I just hate the shampoo smell that still lingers around...
Shouldn't be up so early, but got woke up by a call... But it's better like this la... I'd slept for a good 10 hours le... If I don't wake up now, when will I???
Bon Voyage to Ale who's leaving soon...
Happy birthday to Xue Ying... I'll not be able to be in contact for the next few days, so will wish her in 2 days advance...
6:16 am Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Went for a last minute shopping with my sis yesterday to get my CNY clothing.... And how I LOVE that new top I'd bought... Especially that collar.... Haahaaz... The collar like so nice la...
Won't be able to lay my hands on this laptop for the next few days.... Will be going back to malaysia later in the evening... Pray hard that I don't need to wake up early in the morning to exercise... Muahahaha...
Though it's like a bit early, but just wanna wish everyone, including those I love and hate, a HAPPY CNY!!!
P.S. Wish you get tons and tons of hongbaos... If you have trouble using them yourself, let me help you share the burden... Hahaz...
5:42 pm Sunday, February 03, 2008
I thought you have changed
But you proved me wrong
That's so naive of me
Well, that's it
Going against the govt policy--- Part 2...
Promoting to be environmentally friendly??? I think we still have a long llong way to go... Though NTUC is giving discounts to those who brought their own shoppping bags, but how many people are there who really bring their own bags when they go shopping??? Hmm... Any better policies that encourage people to bring their own bags??? Or to be exact, go environmentally friendly??? Kay kay.... Just some random, damn random thoughts....
Sleepy and tired day.... Seems like I'm catching a cold... Hey, wait! Catch a cold??? So how many colds can I catch??? Playing catching huh??? LAME.... Hahaz.... Anw... Why people love doing last minute shopping??? Luckily I'm not working on the eve... Or else I think I'll faint... I'll just exaggerate if I used die...
Guzheng BBQ was fun... Putting on a mask is more fun! That's only for myself... Played in the water, and I forgot to bring a set of spare clothing... Lalala... Did lots of stupid lalas there.... How I'm gonna miss Jin Tian... I mean Miss Zhang... Feel so wierd calling her Miss... Monday will be her last lesson... So sad... Anw, shall keep in touch with her...
Thank you
I learnt so much after all these years
Putting on an indisposible mask
That's necessary
Lest I get hurt again
That's it
Everything not the same anymore
Please don't say that you know What I talking bout
'Cause you don't
Seriously, you don't.
Just pray hard you are gone forever
Not possible though
But I just loathes the sight of you
Yes you.
No, not you, but you.
11:21 pm Friday, February 01, 2008
Home alone again... Looking forward to my pay day... Lalala.... Funny aunties, Irritating aunties... I meet them all... Lalala....
Sometimes, I wonder why people wants babies... I mean you have to take care of them, and like spend so much money on them... Always thought that diapers are cheap... Only the milk fomula are expensive... I didn't expect that neither is CHEAP! They are like so expensive la can.... Small bag of size S diapers cost as much as $16++... Don't have to say all those bigger sizes one la... Ok... Wth am I doing now??? Dissuading people to give birth? I think the govt will be damn mad if they see this... Since they are promoting couples to have children... Shall stop now...
Tomorrow will be a hectic day... Work in the day and BBQ in the evening... Just hope that it won't be too late... But BBQ is always fun... Especially together with all the GZ members... Long long time never see them le... lalala....
I wanna watch CJ7 and 27 dresses!!! Anyone wish to join me??