4:42 pm Sunday, December 30, 2007
I'm ROTTING!!! Please save me!!!Anyone wanna go countdown this year??? Please say YES!
11:09 pm Thursday, December 27, 2007
I'm such a good girl today! Hahaz... Went market with mum in the morning, and helps her with all the groceries... And I did all these WILLINGLY! This happens once in a blue moon... So, I'm really surprised... LOL...
And good girl of course has her rewards... Kbox-ed with my sis and bros at JEC... Haz! It's so fun... First time the 4 of us went together... 2 years of being a K-Box Member, and I only got 15 pathetic points... Hahaz... Working toward 35 points, so I can have a wide variety of stuff to choose from... Hahaz... But I think that will take a long long time... Hahaz...
Going for job hunting soon... If you happens to have any lobangs for me, please please tell me... I'm now so strapped for cash...
11:04 pm Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I HATE MENSES!!! Sometimes i really wonder why God let females have menses... I mean it's okay... But with all those freaking painful cramps and all... ARGH! If it's because of the apple thing eve gave to adam, why God have to 'punish' all the females and not only eve??? Humph!... Thanks to those freaking memses, I need take so many pills.... Lalala... Random-ing again...
Slacking at home for the whole day... And for the first time after the past few weeks, I can finally sleep till I wake up without anyone waking me up forcefully.... Woo Hoot!!! Slept till 10+... Wonderful! Hahaz...
Packed some of the junks I had during the past 2 years... Found a thick thick stack of maths notes... Not complete ones though... But if you are interested in them, contact me... I'd gladly give them to you... Hahaz...
A good sleep leads to day of happiness! LOL...
6:49 pm Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I so miss school!!! It's so abrupt... Saw all the new books my brothers stored in their room... Suddenly so many things flashed past.... One year ago, I'm at the same place, rushing through my holidays homework and all, hating to go back school so fast... Now, I'm here slacking, still thinking what to do, dreading everyday... One year later, I will be at another place, doing other things...
Come to think of it, 2007 past by so quickly... And I'd yet to do many things I had wanted to do since last year...
2007... The year when so many things happen within such a short period of time...
2007, The year....
- I dropped so much hair that I thought I'll be bald.
- I realised the true meaning of friends
- I went crazy on mathematics
- I finally shed some weight
- K-Box sound so distant to me
- I had my 'O' levels
- I had the most boring birthday
- I attended my first Prom
- I learn to be independent
- I had the chance to be Chair Person
- I thought I'm moving
- I knew others better
- I bid farewell to a dear friend
- I graduated from CTSS
Lalala... I really missed CTSS... Be it the old site at Clementi or the holding site at Commonwealth... These two campuses had held so wonderful memories that I'd never wanna forget...
Still remember the times we were still at Clementi... The 7-11 was a must for me to go almost everyday, either to get my lunch, or some snacks for extra lessons, though we knew it's prohibited... I'd bused home with Su... Crapping and gossiping along the way... Chicken from the bee hoon stall auntie.... I need one almost everyday... Kind of addicted??? Hahaz... And of course, going K-Box with Su and Wen Jie on a inregular basis, then with Jin Xian and Jing Yi... Crazy-ing during Guzheng... And so much more... I'm gonna go back when the renovation has completed...
Then we moved to Commonwealth... I started to hang out more with Ale, Xue, Eileen, Sze, Siti, Krithee, Aisyah, Rita and others... We are so pampered with the choice of food... Tanglin Halt, Ikea, Anchorpoint, Far East, Tiong Bahru Plaza... Hmmm~~~ Yum Yum... LOL... We had an air-conditioned classroom... But the class is just as mischievious and cheeky too... Problems came... Some got solved, some remained unsolved...
I so MISS CTSS!!!!

1:06 pm
Merry Christmas to all!!! I'm gonna have a very BORING Christmas here... Anyone with big big present(s) for me??? Hahaz...
Just back from Johore... Yea, I knew I said I won't be going back soon, But this time, it's kind of different... I was like practically dragged there in my dreams.... And I'd suffered from skin allergies there... So I was like scratching all over during the 'short' stay there... Lalala...
I think I had to look for a job now... Or else, I'm really gonna be a pig for the remaining days... Lalala... Any lobangs? Contact me!!!
Huisu, I'm so looking forward to going out together!!! It's like so freaking loooong we went out together...
Tata... When you coming back??? Missing you.. !@#$%^%$#@#$% ~~~~ LOL... Must tell me when you're back!
11:05 pm Tuesday, December 18, 2007
And I'm back from KL after three freaking weeks... So many things to settle... Tons of mails, and more in facebook... Seriously, I think facebook should do something to their system, after all, it does look depressing having to deal with so many things...
And lalala... I'm not going to KL, unless anything happens, in the near future... Boring boring boring... Went to Mid Valley and Times Square...
Times square was fun! Accompanied by my beloved, long-time-no-see cousin... Went for a karaoke session... First time in malaysia... Took the bus for the first time too... And I conclude that singapore's buses are much comfortable... Hahaz... Went back from Times Square taking its LRT... Another first time given... I was actually being pushed into the train, despite my size... Hahaz...
Nothing to really blog about the few weeks there... Like what I say, it's boring... But there's something I like though... The coffee there is--- ICHIBAN! Hahaaz...
Went Cine for another karaoke session at K-Box with my 二姐 just now... And it's nice! Went round Heerens for some korean food, HMV for CDs and then gift-shopping... Walked to Plaza Singapura for some ice... Cam-whored along the way.... Pictures another day soon...
To those in my tag... Those level of high confidence comes with lots of practice... Because I love myself, that's why I'm confident of myself... And if you find them(the clothes) revealing, sorry, But i think they are just alright...