8:18 pm Friday, September 28, 2007
My hair got BANGED!!!
Ale and Xue came over to study... Then went to JP to get some things... Ale brought me to see the FAKE crumpler... Just imagine... Even crumpler also got artificial one... How fake can people be??? LOL...
Chem lesson is just so enjoyable today!!! Thanks Mrs Yong for giving us the key chains! Had small group discussion during lesson... Think that I'm coping better that way than to study in a big class...
Gonna get the results in monday... Lalala... In less than 2 weeks, we'll be going to a battle.... Bless ME!!!

Labels: Bang girl talks
9:14 pm Wednesday, September 26, 2007
PMS-ing these few days... Think my female hormones going bonkers again...
BB and his__ are really meant for each other... Both of them are just so ALIKE!!! Hahaz... Friends would know what it is...

SLACKed during humans focus today... NHK will just NOT ADMIT HER MISTAKES!!! SO FED UP!!!
As usual, crapped lots on the way home...
RESULTS.... Better not talk bout them... Worst set of results... Another nagging session is about to begin...
Can I spend my first 3 months in MI??? I wonder....
12:21 am Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Coffee do WONDERS!!!If you are thinking what the hell is SHEAU JYU blogging in the middle of night, I'll tell you... I'm currently taking a short break from doing the Eng summaries...
Just had 2 GULPS of my cup of coffee, and I'm now so energetic!!!
Wonder what if I change the current 3-in1 mix to Espresso... I think that's comparable to taking ecstasy... Won't need to sleep at all... Hahaz...
Coffee really do WONDERS!!!Ok, gonna go Pia English again...
Results are solid in toilets....
11:41 pm Saturday, September 22, 2007
Just changed my blog song... Missed my chance to look at my cousin's new born with family because of tuition...
Nothing much to blog actually, just the fact that 2 more days to doomsday... GOD bless... Hahaz...
10:58 pm Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Physics practical was--HOT... They off the fan, leaving me perspiring so much...
Went for lunch at IKEA with Eileen and Joanne, then headed to Tiong Bahru to see how Limei practice wearing her contacts...
First time saw Ikea so CROWDED that we actually had to queue to wait for our seats, just like what pizza hut does... Wanted to have the curry fish with rice, but who knows that they had changed their menu... ARGH.. And I can't have my curry fish!!!
Accidentally took Rubern's MP3 home... He lent it to me before the practical start, and I forgot to return him before the practical start...
Got mistaken to had played truant by some ex-classmate's mum... Cause she saw me strolling to the bus stop at 8++...
I want THIS!!!
The new Triumph BRA!!! 85 dollars... ARGH!!!

7:28 pm Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I'm a HAPPY HAPPY Girl now!!!
Went town just now with Ale, Sze and Xue... Studied in Orchard library... It's like so conducive studying there... So quiet... Then went to cine... Went to look for my
Haviannas... Wanted a black one, but those of my size were out of stock, so in the end bought a blue one... I'm still happy anyway!!!
Then had some lunch in the Hong Kong Cafe with sze and ale... Ate till we girls were effing full... Lastly, Home sweet Home...
Small Small notes...
-Ale can't play Para Para... LOLs
-I love
BLACK coffee!!!
-I LOVE Sze for getting me the NE-YO postcards
-I exhausted saving of the past few weeks with some of this week's allowance... But I'm happy to spend it! Hahaz...
10:07 pm Monday, September 17, 2007
I'm gonna get my haviannas SOON!!!
Till then... Btw, I
LOVE the pics we girls took at the swimming pool!!!
1:51 pm Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sometimes I wonder why people associate middle finger to 'fuck' or some dirty stuffs, like they associate tattoos to delinquents or gangsters... I think middle finger is just another part of your body, so it should be treated equally like other part of your body, such as your face... It doesn't always mean that it is a vulgarity, in fact it can be kind of art...
For instance look at this:

Is this a vulgarity??? So please think twice before you say something is vulgar, because not everything people think is a vulgarity is vulgar... You have your own brains... Just use it to think... Do you have to agree to anyone else??? Can't you just stand up and say some words of fairness to these assumed vulgarities???
Done with the lala-ing...
Labels: different point of view, lalala, Random
1:14 pm
I can't stand it anymore!!!! I'm seriously in need of a NEW PHONE!!! That idiotic nokia of mine can't be switched on!!!! ARGH! I HATE IT LA!!!
I wanna get that haviannas next week... Any kind soul(s) wanna go vivo with me to get it??? Heard that there's a new candy shop there which is really PINK... I MISS TOURING IN SHOPPING MALLS...
Praticals are next week... Can't wait for all the papers to finish... To me, they are just yet another set of exam papers, for I'm not intending to get into the first month>>> (Look at my results! If i'm able to get into the first month, something must be very wrong...)
Exam time is boring... Weekends are worse... Free time is the worst...
11:48 pm Thursday, September 13, 2007
I'm finally touching my own laptop again since the last time I set my hands on it... I'm a happy girl who changed her blog song to the ttheme song of the 'Chinese Paladin'... I know that's long ago, but who cares! I like this song, so i put it here...
And hahahas to those spammers!!! You can't spam me anymore!!! Hahaha!!! BUNCH OF IDIOTS!
4:34 pm Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I'm BACK!!! From a long long break... Lots and lots of things happened for the past one week...
1. My computer crashed...
2. Lots of BACARDI...
3. Lots of gossips...
4. Lots of slapping dreams...
5. I finally see the true image of people...
6. I'm gonna FLUNK E.Maths...
7. I studied physics...
8. I now at Xue's house...
9. I got great great friends...
10. Lalala...
Computer crashed = No com to use for a week...
At Xue's house...
Xue cooked lots of good food for lunch for us today!!! My favourite( whoich happens to be Ale's too): SWEET AND SOUR PORK... It's seriously NICE!!! But, she doesn't teach people... So I should call it the
Xue's Speciality... Hahaz...
Went swimming and all with Ale, Xue and Krithee... It's so so nice... And I think I'm kinda 'Funny'??? I got sun burn(acc to the others) without sun... I don't know if it's true, for I'm not feeling any pain at all....
I officially shut the tag board till further notice... Need to modify something... So if there's anything you wanna tell me, Call or message me, or else hold your peace!!!
DONE!!! lalala...
I'm now so infatuated with SEAN KINGSTON and Chlorine-filled water...
9:51 am Saturday, September 01, 2007
Who's the IDIOT who abuse my name on the tag!!!
SHIT YOU WHOEVER IT IS!!! Hope pimples pop out all over your face tomorrow... Don't use my name on the tag... You better watch out...