11:40 pm Monday, April 30, 2007
MY eye hurts... OWWW!!!
Mummy said it is a sore eye... Wonder what porno thing i had seen recently... Who cares anyways??? Hahaz...
Went to huisu's house to get my thermo flask after school today... Stayed there for about an hour before 'pulling' her to go to the bus stop with me... Hahaz...
Yeah.. That's all about today... Life is gonna be boring day by day... LOL..
10:50 am Saturday, April 28, 2007
World is never fair... There are lots of things that can justify that... Biased people please, FUCK OFF!!! This world of mine don't entertain this kind of people... For more, my xanga... But no one can view it except for myself... Unless you can hack into my account...
6:15 pm Friday, April 27, 2007
School was fun today.... Got a tub of honey... Washed moulds of my chopping board... Wrote lots of emo stuffs with Xue Ying during class...
I'm so happy!!! It's gonna be weekend soon!!!
Was no feeling great the previous few days... Wanted to cry badly all these days... Hope that I can really go back to the happy me this weekend...
Gonna change my skins again... Tired of this one le... Hope that I can really find one which is really nice...
8:28 pm Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Just any ordinary day today... Felt sick and tired of everything all of a sudden... Just felt like time is going to stop forever at the moment...
Was just thinking why do everything that seemed so good change overnight... I rather we go back to the time we were all younger... 'Innocent'... Fun and with no worries... Why do everything have to change as we grow??? Thinking why people are able to laugh their own humiliation... Is it a kind of fear that they want to conceal, or it was that they wabt to hold back their tears, that's why they started to laugh at their own jokes???
Don't feel like carrying on anymore... Felt as though i'm in a marathon... Been running for a long long time... That sense of fatigue is showing... Felt like lying on the ground forever and not getting up anymore... Through this 'marathon', I found out lots of 'qualities' of others... Backstabbing, hypocrites, suckers, bitches, bastards and...
Felt like having a long long break.... But it would be quite impossible now... The 'O's are coming soon... Turning into a nocturnal animal soon.... Really wish that all will soon be gone....
Labels: EMO....
8:08 pm Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Had SYF today, so reached school at about 7am... Received lots of wishes from friends... So, thanks girls for wishing us good luck...
Was in the music room for practice in the morning... Then went to SCH for the competition at about 1030am... Our teacher IC was like calling us to relax, but seemed like she's more tense than us, pacing up and down... Hahaz...
Initially didn't really felt anything... But towards our turn to perform, I subconsciously found my legs shaking... Wonder if it's due to fright or that court shoes i wearing...
The first song was good, but the second one was like so messy... So, not before long, they began to announce the results.... Was like"CLEMENTI TOWN SEC SCH,
GOLD." Then we were like 'huh?? Where is our honours???' Hahaz...
After competition, bade farewells to our husbands(our guzhengs), which were with us for the past few years... Took damn lots of pics in school as well as at the MRT station... Then went to LOT 1 to celebrate... Ate at Pizza Hut... Took neoprints after the meal... They just look so nice... Especially the second one i took with Veron, Liting and WenJie... Soent lots of time on doing that neoprint... Went home at 545...
Had Cheesecake at home... Was for my mummy actually from my sis... It's her birthday yesterday... It was so yummy!!! But my mummy was like saying that the cheese too sour and things like that... Though all of us like the taste....
Labels: SYF
8:26 pm Monday, April 23, 2007
Went back to school yesterday for SYF rehearsal... Fancy choosing a SUNDAY EVENING... And there went my beautiful sunday....
Met up with Veron at bout 320pm... Was so lucky... Rained right after i reached the station... The lightning seemed like they are so near, that i actually got frightened by them... Then went to met Si Ying at lakeside station... And Ruby and Yan Han at JE after that....
Had that rehearsal till 8+ and dismissed at 9+.... Went for late dinner at JP with Veron and Jing Yi at KFC... Fang Hui and Issabella ( they went help out) came tp look for us after their dinner at LJS...
Tomorrow's the Real SYF... Our target for GWH is reaching us soon... Here we are, GOLD WITH HONOURS!!!
10:18 pm Saturday, April 21, 2007
Today's the carnival... Met up with Siti and Alethia... Reached school at about 7... Thought that everything is going to get screw up due to some little things, but eventually, we solved everything...
I was at the F&B stall for most of the time... Selling prata and some beverage... Was like so tired after the whole thing...
Dragged Aaron to eat with me at KFC... He recommended that new meal... It's quite nice... But it was like such a HUGE serving... In the end, brought a piece of that meltz home for my mummy to try...
After that really fulfilling dinner, went big book shop to buy something then bused home alone... Missed that interchange in Clementi... Used to take bus from there back home... Anyway, fell into a deep sleep almost immediately on the bus... Hope that I didn't have any funny movements while sleeping... P.S. I have a tendency to do that...
Missed tuition again today... Due to this 'S' carnival... It's like the 2nd time this month... Carnivals are really waste of money, time and manpower... Luckily it's my last year in that old, old school... HeeeHeeeHeee...
Going back school again tomorrow for SYF rehearsal... Though it's a very good time for us to familiarise with the place and everything... But it's really tiring... Imagine....
Today from 7 till 6...
Tomorrow from 4 till 10...
I think i might as well camp in school... Hahaz...
Cannot tahan anymore... So goodnite dear friends....
6:59 pm Friday, April 20, 2007
Stay in school till about 5+ today... Cause canival's tomorrow...
School dismissed at 1150... Then went to buy the necessary things for tomorrow's carnival... Set up the stalls in the school... The non food stall changed for so many times... But, eventually, finally found the perfect place in the basketball court!!! Yeah!!!
Was walking out of school just now from class... Then jumped on this paper with a picture of a ghost... But soon after that, siti's specs broke into half... Then Siti cried... Cause she just made it... Well, while on the train with Alethia, Jovita, Vanessa and Xue Ying, they called it the joke of the day... Anyways, I don't really care...
SO excited for tomorrow's carnival... Want to see Mr tan and Mdm Pooi sing... Hahahaz....
9:49 pm Thursday, April 19, 2007
Was 'helping' with the carnival thing in class till 6++... Though felt that i'd done nothing at all...
Carnival's coming real soon... Got that carnival shirt... It's like SO DAMN SMALL... Really funny cutting the shirt has... Perhaps it's budget... That can explain all...
Well, saw this bird on the rooftop while sitting with Krithee outside the classroom for some crap... It's green in colour, withe red eyes... But it looked greasy... I found the bird cute... But krithee find it evil and disgusting... Maybe this is what they say everyone has very different perspective for everything in world...
Bused home with a Choir member ( I was once from choir)... They went for SYF today, and got a silver... Heard that most are really unhappy... But, what's done cannot be undone... So just work harder for the next competition... Anyways, CONGRATS to Choir...
Slept almost throughout the bus ride.... Kept drifting in and out of sleep....
8:30 pm Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Congrats to Chinese Dancers.... They got the first gold for SYF this year... Now we are stressed... Cause we are only going to compete next tuesday... We are the last CCA to compete...
Going to SCO for rehearsal on sunday... Just imagine... Need to go back school even on a sunday... GOD BLESS ME... Hahaz...
Countdown to CARNIVAL*** 3 DAYS...
Countdown to SYF^^^6 DAYS...
7:44 pm Monday, April 16, 2007
Had my oral presentation today during english lesson today... Kept forgetting my script for the presentation... I'm a person who cannot do anything according to a standard procedure anyways... Want me to do that??? You might as well kill me... Hahahz...
School was like nothing... But the CCA almost killed me... Was like playing the 2 songs for a long long time... Might be monday blues... Was feeling damn lethargic... But that nap on bus saved me... If not for it, I might not even have to energy to blog now...
11:56 am Sunday, April 15, 2007
Was in friendster just now, and stumbled upon this picture of 1D1'04... Was LMAO... Most of us looked so different then...
This is the pic...

Huisu with long hair then... Me with my 'bob' hair... It's like so SICK!!!! I swear I'm not gonna cut that same hairstyle ever again!!! Hahaz...
7:24 pm Saturday, April 14, 2007
Just changed my blogskin today... Felt that today isn't wasted... Found new pic for my oral presentation on monday... Cause felt that the previous one on tsunami wasn't that good... So found this other picture... Of course, I had to change to script, since I'd changed the photo... Like DUH...
Then went to tuition in the afternoon... One of my friend, together with my maths tutor, was sick... She was only able to hang on for the maths lesson... Then she left soon after the physics lesson start... Could see that she was really tired... Yeah, so no one wait for the bus with me after tuition ( She normally wait with me for my bus)... Well, GET WELL SOON, DORA!!
Maths was on integration... My tutor was teaching what had just been taught in school, so was able to cope quite well... However, the problem start when it came to physics... I didn't attend tuition last week( was in malaysia), so had missed a lesson... Then, worse still, found myself forgetting a lot of things... Must really BUCK UP!!!
Not going to tuition again next week... Cause had the CTSS homecoming day.... Saw that carnival tee on thursday... ET was wearing it... Normal baby pink cotton tee... But look some kind of funny... Took XL, though JG said it's really, really big... But, to me, better to be more kiasu.... At least if it's really that big, I can alter... However, if i took the smaller size, and it cannot fit... That's it... I'll have nothing to wear, and would have to waste it by either throwing or giving it away...
Labels: Fulfiling Day... YEAH
4:39 pm Friday, April 13, 2007
It's friday the 13 today... But seems like it's just like other days... Perhaps not really...
Why those who said that they didn't bring the work can just be let off so easily??? If I'd known sooner, I might as well say that I didn't bring my work... Then I would not need to do the speech... RUBBISH.... Those people didn't even care to do his work, but they can just got off by simply saying that they did not bring...
Well, the moral of this incident is... Don't be too truthful in the future... Though integrity is a virtue... However, this don't apply to the reality...
Labels: Stupid Friday the Thirteen...
8:16 pm Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Band had sustained silver for SYF this year... Aisyah looked so 'handsome' in their new band uniform... Hahaz...
Supposed to run NAPAFA 2.4 today, but i got an excuse... Well, being myself, i will always procastinate... Hahaz...
Then had physics lessons after school... I think leong aik really irritated Mr Chiang today... Well, I think it's none of my business... However, I do hope that it will not affect our lessons...
Bused home alone after the lesson... Was really tired, so was sleeping throughout the ride...
Not in the mood to really blog today... Got Transformation test tomorrow....
7:59 pm Monday, April 09, 2007
Was reading this 'laozhabor' blog... Written by an aunty in her 60s.... It's like really cool... Think about it... An aunty or ah ma in her 60s who write blog, raps, and even make a slideshow of herself... I mean it's like so cool... Had linked her... Named her as laozhabor... Since that's her webbie...
Then during guzheng today, I was so so happy... The ' zhang xiao yan' teacher came to listen to us... Still so chatty as ever... Perhaps we haven't been seeing each other for quite a long time, so was a bit like strangers in the beggining, but any ways, I so happy to see her again...
Then the greeting them was like rubbish... Cause there were like 4 teachers---Mdm Luan, Ms Zhang Jin Tian/ Xiao Yan and that Mr Ng... So was like 'Goodbye Ms/ Mdm/ Mr____' for 4 times....
9:06 am Saturday, April 07, 2007
Was watching this video on youtube with my brothers yesterday... Thought that it might be really fun to watch it...
P.s: You need to know some hokkien before you can watch this...
Hope you can laugh your whatever out... Hahaz... Please understand that this is just for laugh and nothing else...
Just click the link below for your convenience... Or, go youtube and search for
'RK Pork House'
11:12 am Friday, April 06, 2007
Haven't been blogging for the past 2 weeks... Was waiting for the new laptop, while the old one was down.. Is using broadband now... FINALLY... Hahaz... So might be on net for a longer period of time now....
Well, SYF is round the corner... Hope that we can get gold or better...
JG was so angry with us yesterday... I really hope that she will not teach from the textbook... That will be SO BORING!!!! Went JP with su after school yesterday... For lunch and to shop for some presents for eelin and rita...
TO rita...
Hey sorry... The number of pictures are really... WOW... ANW... Thanks for sending them to me all along...