11:08 pm Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sorry Guys!!! The site is under construction... So for the meanwhile no tag board service....
Will get everything done by thursday... Please have some patience....
To MYD... I think u are sick.... Hahaz... look under my skirts for what??? I wear shorts
inside... Hahaz....
To SG... Thanks for that kiss.... Hahazz... Btw, I don't like to take full body pictures, so i
don't have any... Sorry.....
9:38 pm Monday, February 26, 2007
Woke up at 640 today... It was the latest i'd ever woke up during weekdays since school
reopens in Jan... well, school start at 9 today... So I'm not late at all....
Lunched at Macs with Huisu... Met lots of Guzheng members in Macs... Something hapened
to make us DAMN PAISEH... First, as we were walking back to school, we saw a flash of lightning that make us squat down.... It was the first thing that made us PS...
Then we were walking down the overhead bridge... A sudden gust of wind came and blew up
our skirts!!! At that same time, a guy of our level from another class was walking up the
stairs... Wonder if he had saw anything... If he really had, I think he'll develop sore eyes... Hahaz... When the wind blew our skirts up, we were like screaming and shrieking while trying
to get hold of our 'flying' skirts... Hahaz...
Went for Guzheng after lunch...Was really hyped up just now.... Then kept playing Guzheng... Which was like a miracle?! 'Cause normally I'll just sit around to talk or sleep... Hehe...
Was Veronica's birthday today... Bought a birthday prez for this CCA chairperson of ours...
A MUG!!! Hahaz.... Yeah... And I think thats all for today... Unless I include napping on bus,
ate curry for dinner??? It's like so useless.... Hahaz...
6:03 pm Sunday, February 25, 2007
Just came back from JP.... After 2 hours of shopping.... Hahaz....
Guess what I bought.... That red bareback top I wanted so badly previously, as well as
another lacy black top which I think is nice....
Bought Su's present as well.... Though I think it serve no purpose at all....
Went Para for a while... Then spent bout 4 bucks on Time Crisis... Yeah and that's all....
11:38 pm Saturday, February 24, 2007
Thursday....Went to army camp to perform... Left school at bout 330pm... And returned school at bout
8pm... So it was like staying there for 4++ hours before going back school... Then bused
home with su... Crapped a lot on board... Then slept like a pig after su alighted... Almost
missed my stop... Hahaz... Then reached home at bout 9++... Did english compo for
1+ hours, then bathe... Then continued to revise binomial for i had a test on the next day...
Till 1230...
Friday....Woke at 530... So was like only had 5 hours of sleep?! Had test on the first period... Had a
deadly careless mistake, and there went my full marks!!!
Had meeting, as well as bought a
SUDOKU book after school... Quite tiring but fun... Was raining cats and dogs and donkeys and blah blah blah after the meeting.... Hahaz... But still shared an umbrella with si ying, till reached the Mrt station...
Wanted to go IMM initially... But it was raining, i was taking 198, in which i need to walk
damn long to IMM... And most important... I'm dead beat! That's why in the end i went
home... Bused home with su again... During the ride we din talk much cause i wanted to nap,
and su wanted to do my SUDOKU... Felt so dreamy after i alighted... Perhaps i'd slept for too long...
Went dinner with sister and bro-in-law and family at night... Went Lao Yu Sheng... Then shop
in NTUC for a while before going look at HP my bro wanted to buy with sis... Then went to look at MP4...
Today....Slept for 13 hours in total... woke at bout 11+... Then found my voice changed... I had sore
throat and flu for the past 2 days... Then went to neighbour's house for a CNY visit... Then
went tuition...
Will be having 3 hours of A maths and 2 hours for physics... So will be like staying in that
room for 5 hours!!! Argh!!! And there goes my saturday!!!
Tomorrow....Will be getting some presents for su... Trying to get someone to go with me...
Su... If you read this, please don't ask me what i'll be getting for you for i'll not tell you and i
don't know what i'll be getting for you also...
To shuai ge... I'll try to post everyday... And thanks for that missing of me and 'kiss'....
Goodnite and sweet dreams... MUACKS... Hahaz....
2:22 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Had just received these photos... So decided to upload them.... Had done some slideshows
too... so will upload one here too... Hahaz...
Me and Rita....
Me and su with Rochers...
Me su ta jie...
David is that guy... Although i think he's a gay... Hahaz
1:38 pm
CNY Celebration>>> In School...
Woke up at 5 and went school at 6++... Was like so tired...
Was the>>>
1st performance of the day...
1st time performing in the new school...
1st time having CNY outdoor performance...
Then talk with miss ng for a while in the parade square with Su, ta, jie and siti... And we
knew her age... Hahaz...
Went JEC for lunch after dismissal with su, ta, siti and Jie... Then met David on the way...
So went together... Then crap around, talk stupid stuff then went home... Pack things to get ready to go malaysia...
Went Malaysia on Friday evening... Ate Prata for dinner... Then Daddy drove us to a
market place to buy stufss to cook during CNY... Bought fish and chicken and veggies and
things like that... Then went back home to get the ingredients ready for cooking... Was too tired... So slept at bout 11++... The others slept at 2-4 am... Don't even know how they could stand it...
>> I'm like a pig!--- SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP...
Woke up at bout 8 the next morning... Then went back SR after breakfast... Help out at
first... Then went to sleep for another 3 hours after lunch... Then help in the kitchen for a
while before the reunion dinner...
After dinner, watch TV till 3am, then help mummy to set the altar for the arrival of Fortune God... Then slept at bout 4 am...
Then Woke up again at bout 7am... Changed into new clothes then went to Kluang... Guess
what was my new clothes??? A tube dress... Hahaz... Went temple, then went to people's
house... Then had Bak Kut Teh for breakfast... Went back SR... Since i had nothing to do,
then went to sleep for another 2 hours, before got waken up by my brothers...
Well, don't you think i'm like a pig??? Hahaz...
Was my turn to wash the dishes this day... It was the second day of CNY, and all my aunties
and their families would come for lunch... How unlucky it was for me... The first people
reached at about 11... Then they sat outside in the living room watching tv and talking...
Since i had nothing much to do then, i joined my cousins for games of dai dee... Which were
like so fun... Then after lunch, washed the dishes with cousin and a little nephew helping me... Want to know why nephew came to help me??? He wanted to play with my handphone...
That's the reasons... Then came back Singapore in the evening... And this is the end of my
CNY in Malaysia...
12:32 pm
Sorry for not blogging for so long... Just not in that mood to on my computer....
Well, received chocolates, sweets and stuff like that from friends... they are so SWEET!!!
Just like me... hahaz.... Then had Guzheng till 5++... Then there goes my day... What a
boring day...
9:56 pm Monday, February 12, 2007
Wasn't really that happening today... Saw instructor's handphone today... We were together
in the same train on our way back... Guess what kind of messages we saw in her phone???
Well, some messages not suitable to be posted here... We were like so shocked when we saw
the messages... Her looks don't match with the things she sent and received... After that, with
all the lalalas and blablablas... I'm here blogging...
9:42 pm
There goes my SUNDAY!!!
Went to JP with sister and mummy for brunch in the late morning... Then went York to
window shop for some clothes... Mummy tried on a spaghetti top... Which was like WOW, as
she was a lot more conservative then i am... Then brother came to meet us... Got himself a
nice shirt at Options... But seriously... He don't know how to shop for clothes... So that's the
only thing he bought... Then went home alone... Need to go school... SCHOOL?! Yes, school... Next in line...
Was to go to this whatever SYF rehearsal with band at SCH... Met with huisu at JE station,
then went school together... Well, that girl was actually reading a book... But after we meet,
we kept talking... So her book was thrown into her paper bag... She just can't study with me around... This was quoted from her... Well, went there... Saw this vending machine for sandwiches, so some girls bought sandwich from it... Think that it was complete waste of
time there... Cause we didn't do anything except to know where the various locations are... Watch the band rehearse for a while... It was like OMG... Their conductor was like so fierce...
So made me realize how gentle our instructor is... Hahaz... Then went back home... And that's
all for yesterday...
8:42 pm Saturday, February 10, 2007
Went for flag day today... Went around in a group with su, rita, mummy aifa and Azilra
( hope that i didn't spell it wrongly)...
Gathered at JP to collect our tins... Then went to Boon Lay shopping centre as well as
market place to ask for donations... But soon went to JW... They said not fair, cause i lived there... Well, never mind...
So went to JW for the donations stuff... Collected a bit, then lunched at KFC... Zinger meal
and CHEESE FRIES!!! I love it!!! Collected a bit more before going to Azilra's house for donations... Well, she allowed it, so we went... hahaz... After that, went to mummy aifa's
house... Had some orange syrup drink then stayed till about 1pm... Went back to JP
Well, met up with daddy Mumat at the interchange... He's so GENEROUS... Donating 2
dollars for each of us... Saw Alethia, Xue Ying, Joanne and lots others at the MRT station... Crapped there for a while before going to the collection venue... Wasn't looking at where i
was walking, so had a fall... Which was like so Pai Seh... Cause i'm just outside the MRT
station... Hahaz...
After returning the tins, went shop around in JP for a while... Rita kept looking at those
long sleeved clothes... So she was like being kept scolding by me and su... Hahaz... Aisyah
came join us not after long... Well, needed go tuition and aisyah wanted to go JE, so went
away together... Was like so tired today... Don't really want to go for tuition... But anyway,
went there... So was like nothing on afterwards, and blogging is what i'm doing now...
9:03 pm Friday, February 09, 2007
Yeah!!! Just Got some pictures from rita!!!
7:14 pm
Was damn emo this morning! Nothing just to interest me this morning... Just don't want to
care about anything at all... Just don't wanna go school... Just wanna stay in my own
beautiful land this morning... Axed a piece of wood just now, just to vent my frustration...
Where i got the wood and axe??? Well, that's my secret... Don't tell you! Hahaz...
Took David's phone away just now to play... But he's really so__... He did not even realized
that I did not return his phone back to him... Hahaz... Then after some time, did he then
came to me to ask for his phone... Even told me that he had lost his phone... I really LMAO!!!
hahaz... Took a lot of crazy pictures with Huisu on Rita's HP... She must be cursing under
her breath now, for she had to help me edit some of them, then send me... hahaz...
Today, the O Levels results were out... All the 4E5N pupils had to attend the release of the results, so I of course have to go! Was so pressurized by the statistics our principal showed
us... Well, anyways, Congrats to Ale, Jovita, Gabriel, Yen Sze... For you had gotten your Distinctions for your express Chinese!!! Hahaz...
Did this experiment that test for gas the other day... It's like OMG! The smell of chlorine
was just SICK!!! Got choke by it!!!
And that's all for today!!! BYee!!! Hehe...
5:47 pm Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Today was a slacking day... 3 periods of maths, and a period of chemistry... Initially, the
first lesson was physics... But, due to that idiotic emergency evacuation exercise, it was off... Though there was 3 maths lessons, but it was not as bad as those of MJT's... In fact, i think
that maths is getting more interesting...
Seems like the whole class is addicted to 'Dai Di'... Class became into a Dai Di playing room for
all after lessons... Hahaz... Played Dai Di again after school... But with different people this
time... Played with our very own 'gambling queen' Ee Lin, Beng Hong, Leong Aik, Alvin...
Went to JP with Leong Aik, Alvin and Leon for lunch at LJS, as well as to help shop for valentine's presents for Alvin and Leon... Started to think that why dating is such an
expensive thing... Can anyone tell me why???
Well, then went home alone... And here I am blogging... Hahaz...
11:31 pm Sunday, February 04, 2007
Was just watching both Project superstar(PSS) and match between S'pore and Thailand...
First, PSS...
Congrats Daren for getting the champion of the competition... Though I seriously like Diya better... I mean the way she sings her songs... I think that is more of those styles of songs
that I'll listen to...
Thought that Diya would be crying or whatever in her last song-- ZHENG FU, by Na Ying...
It's quite a touching song, but no tears was shed.. So it's like something's missing... I'm such a sadist... Hahaz...
Had special performance by Gary... OMG! He's like just so cute... He even composed a song
for PSS on the spot... What a Genius... Hahaz...
Next, Match...
Yeah Singapore WON!!! I'm loving it!! hahaz... I think that L Lewis is quite cute... hahaz...
Aide too... hahaz... Practically everyone in the team!! hahaz...
*P*S*Guys, when you see this please don't get jealous... hahaz...
12:56 pm
Yesterday...Went to meet huisu at JP in the morning... Walk around the shopping mall... However, it was
too early then, that's why we didn't do anything much... Then, we went to meet Siti, her bf,
Rita and wj... Then, on the way, we saw Wen Shi and Laura... So we all went to JJC togeteher...
Well, JJC was having a carnival... That's why we went there... It was like so crowded there...
So it might be really sucessful... Anyways... Went to take this spinner ride... It was like so
scary when we looked at it from the outside... But when we actually rode it, it was nothing...
But still, at least I can say that I took a ride that some would not even want to try... Hahaz...
Went to Huisu's house to do some voice recording ET wants as our homework... Then afterwards, went for tuition...
After tuition, I had a sudden urge to walk home, so it was like i spent almost half and hour walking home... Crazy isn't it? Hahaz...
At night, went to chinatown with my sister and mum... It was like so packed there... But
the atmosphere was not there yet... Perhaps it was still not really near to CNY now.. that's why... But some of the pigs stuff there was really so CUTE!!! Wanted one, but mum just
don't want to buy... Haiz~~~ Hahaz...
Today...Went to Clementi for some safety resilience exercise... Was like so tired today... Woke up before 7... Then stayed there until 11++... Lastly...To more shuai ge... It's ot that you are not worthy of my time... But it was just too
coincidential that the dates you asked me out, are those that i cannot go out... Due to
some stuffs... Maybe, I'l call you out soon??
7:19 pm Friday, February 02, 2007
Well, today's quite an eventful day as compared to the other days...
Had chinese for the last lesson... Almost slept in the class... That teacher is just a complete
crap... I mean, why can't we have other teachers to teach us... He wanted to go on and on
to finish the lesson actually... But we are saved by the bell!!! Well, the bell struck at the
right time, and i rushed back to class...
Actually just wanted to pack my bag then go home, but I saw a pack of poker cards of Jun Yang... So, I took it from him... Of course got ask for his permission la! I so guai... hahaz...
Played ' Dai Di ' with Jie, Su, Zheng Ming and Darrell at first... But in the middle of the
game, Aaron came to join us... He did not know how to play though, so I became his
so-called advisor... hahaz... After Darrell and Aaron went for their CCAs, Jeff joined us...
Really played for a long time... From about 2 till 4... Seems crazy but true... hahaz...
After the game, we decided to have lunch, since everyone are so HUNGRY.... Went to
Bukit Batok for a pizza hut meal with Zheng Ming, Jeff, Su and Jie... Aren't we crazy??? I
meant from commonwealth to Bukit Batok just for a pizza hut meal... hahaz... Ate Chicken Royale Pasta... Well, the food was quite good... Because I'm HUNGRY!!! hahaz...
After that took MRT home with Su and Jeff, but departed at Jurong East... Jeff was just
an idiot... He was carrying my bag for me as I'm like lazy to do it myself, hahaz... Then, when
we reached JE station, it was just nice that my train arrived, so i was like hurrying to the
train... But then I just realize my bag was still with Jeff who was like strolling... So I went to
him to get my bag back... But, wth! He took my bag and ran away from me... He just don't
want me to board that train... So I was like some crazy girl running after a guy with 2 bags
at the platform... hahaz.. Well, luckily he gave the bag back to me when the next train
arrived... Or Else I'll kill him... hahaz...
Lastly... What do you think of my tagboard colour??? Is it crazy?? hahaz...
9:05 pm Thursday, February 01, 2007
Do I have anything interesting? Oh no! I'd done too much work... All work and no play
make vivience DULL!!! Argh!!!!
Well, actually got one la... Went to holland drive with su yesterday after lunch in school...
Was crapping, laughing, and talking about the past while walking... Went guzheng after that short trip at holland drive... Don't really know what was hapening to me yesterday... During guzheng, suddenly felt lethargic, as if a walking zombie... Was somekind like playing the game, ' SIMON SAYS'... Teacher said sit, I sit... stand, I stand... bow, I bow...
Well, yesterday was really a DULL DAY!!! OMG!!!