9:23 pm Tuesday, January 30, 2007
First to '...:', if you don't bother to read the tagboard, never mind... But you have to read this...
I think i know who you are, but i'm not going to name you... You should know what to do...
Rude people are not welcome here... If you just want to continue be rude, don't blame me
for being rude too... It's not that you don't know, or perhaps you don't know, but you insist
in your ways, don't say that I didn't warn you...
Well, idiotic people aside... Went to Jurong Regional Library to study with Rita, Huisu and Siti
in the afternoon just now... Thought had the time to finish both english and physics, but in
the end only able to finsh english... Siti went home earlier 'cause she need to fetch her sister... Anyway, used Rita's laptop to edit some photos we took at camp... Look stupid, but overall,
still quite nice... Know why? Ans is... Because it come out of my hands... Hahaz...
Went to have dinner with Huisu and Rita in JEC after we finished studying... Took bus back... While walking to the bus stop, crapped a lot... Just like 3 retards... Hahaz... Su actually wait
with us for our bus to come... Which was so unusual of her... Everytime call her wait for bus
with me, she will reject, but today she actually went there on her own...
I think that's all for today... Really let that idiot spoil my night... Hmm... Will get back to
12:13 pm Sunday, January 28, 2007
well, just came across this picture in my computer just now... Ithink this should be
describing how i feel now...

Hehehe... Does all these biscuits look nice??? They are the snacks for the last day of
camp, before we went for our CIP...
10:14 am
Went tuition yesterday... One of my friends are quitting... Next week will be her last lesson
with us... How sad... She's always the one whom we laugh and gossip with...
Was having both maths and physics lessons yesterday... Tutor was teaching differentiation...
In the whole group of 5 girls, only I have not study it yet... So the tutor actually kindly
re-teach the whole basics in which that all the other girls had learnt... Well, basic courtesy is
that if you know what is happening then shut up, open your mouth only if you can't
understand because there's someone who don't know what it's about... However, apparently
this girl, I shall name her D, don't know this point... I was listening damn hard to grasp the concepts the tutor was teaching, copying everything he was writing on the board, but D was there, keep annoying us, especially me, that she already knew this and that and lalala...
Another thing... The tutor was teaching us how to use the long method before teaching us
the short cut ( this is his usual style of teaching)... So I actually copied the long method...
When she saw my notebook ( she happened to sit next to me...), she was like exclaiming so loudly as if she saw an alien i my book... Then giving comments like why do so long, so short
cut what, and others lalalas... Then more comments came... Like, your school teach so slow,
My school already taught this and that and other lalalas... Was really fuming mad and almost cried but held back my tears when I heard all these... As in I don't think that she can actually
felt the stress on me, since it's like I'm the only one who haven't studied this...
Was reading Falling Leaves, a more detailed version of Chinese Cinderella, late last night,
just before i slept... Well, was reading this part in which that the author actually narrates
how she was humiliated in front of her friends by her step-mother... Perhaps I felt angry
that why she would not talk back but just stood there, humiliated by her step mum; or
maybe I'm thinking what was the step mum thinking when she was scolding the author,
who was just barely 10 years old then... Maybe I'd read some books of this genre, that's why
i tends to think more...
Well, I think thats all for now... Really pissed off by D!!!
1:16 pm Saturday, January 27, 2007
Stupid dashboard... Kept converting to chinese... anyone knows how to keep it permenantly
at english language?
1:01 pm
Awww!!! My gum, my tooth! So painful!!!
Is growing this tooth called the wisdom tooth... Was said to become very clever after growing
it... But to me it's a torture now!!! It's so PAINFUL!!! I can't eat, chew, drink, and
whatsoever... OMG! I'm suffering! Hahaz...
Well, was suppose to go for Guzheng today, but my tuition saved me... 'Cause the time
clashes, I'm exempted for all the saturdays' practice... Just cannot comprehend why we
need 3 practices per week... Even if the teachers are not tired, we are! Moreover, we still
have the 'O' levels this year... Mummy was still wondering aloud the other day why I need
to go for CCA so many times a week...
Another miracle... I finished my maths assignments! Wow! what is happening?! I can
actually finish my assignments, especially maths!... :P
Awww.... So painful!!! Anyone with really good suggestions or had this kind of
experience(s) before? Leave a message in the tagboard!!!
Awww!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6:47 pm Friday, January 26, 2007
Went to Jurong Point with Zhao Shuang, Huisu and Wen Jie just now after school for lunch.
Then went to shop around in toys r us before wen jie and zhao shuang went home, leaving me and huisu to shop around for more...
Went Giordano... Saw a red barebak which cost 16 dollars only! Really want to buy it, but do
not have enough money on me, so perhaps i'll be buying it next week... WAIT FOR ME BAREBACK! Here I come! hahaz...
Took the same bus with huisu home... But that lazy bum wanted to sit, so she went to the
upper deck, leaving me standing at the lower deck... Well, i got the habit of calling her to msg
me after she reached home, and i came to know that she didn't bring her handphone today,
so sent her an really idiotic message... Well, I don't think it's really like me, as it is really a
zero intelligence thing... Anyway, it's better to be stupid once in a while isn't it?
5:55 pm Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Missed me? Hope you do... Hahaz... Wasn't not posting for a long time, so firstly, SORRY!
Anyway, first to the 'Shuai Ge' and 'More Shuai Ge'... Thanks for flooding my tagboard...
but, don't get angry with each other, cause it seems that the 2 of you are... I'll Beferiend the
2 of you... Juz add me at my hotmail addy... One more thing... If you really happen to see me
in the public, don't hesitate to come up and say hi... I won't treat you like a monster and run away... Hahaz...
Went to VCH on sunday for another Guzheng concert again... To me, this is of an higher level
as compared to the first one... From their performance learnt quite a few things... As in how
we can bow and all those stuff...
Well, it was MJT's last lesson as well as my low-EQ-day yesterday... Me first... Cried twice in
the morning... But everything's well and normal again not after long, so NVM!...
MJT's last lesson... Gave her the card siti initiated and made last week, as well as a packet of ferrero, to express our graditude for her...
Today's first lesson with JG... She was better... I must admit... She is better than MJT in her teaching style... Seems like the class can concentrate more in her class then in MJT's class... Wonder why... Hahaz...
Last thing... I'll try my best to post every other day, so my blog won't get bored....
11:15 pm Friday, January 19, 2007
Well, wasn't posting anything for a long time... At least it seems to me this way... Was doing
lots of work for the past few days...
Doing the contact tree, re-doing a sitting plan for ET... It is just like a busy week for me this week... Although i'm tired after doing so many things, but after completing each of the tasks,
i felt a sense of achievement... It's just feel so good...
MJT is going to leave us next monday, and JG will take over...It's like quite sad, though the
class doesn't like her way of giving assignments... No matter what had happened, she still
our classparent for the past year... So i think the bond should be there, though it is not
very strong... Another thing that is going to happen in school next week that will affect me
and my class... We are going to move into a new classroom! I don't even know how to carry
all those books that are under my table... There are just too much for me to carry them... Shouldn't had put all those books in class... Haiz~~~
By the way, I've got a new photo of myself, but the only flaw i don't like is that idoitic pimple
on my forehead... It just spoil the whole picture!
Well, this is the picture....

10:18 pm Monday, January 08, 2007
Went to school this morning... Took the key... Open the door... Oh man!! What am i doing?
Why am i writing all these stuff?? hahaz...
Well, aircon in class not working... so only surviving on those miserable 'blowing air', aka wind
by the few fans that are on the ceiling... Aaron went to check up the price of the curtains that
we want to install for the class windows... Even the cheapest costs about $108... Then MJT
still wanna buy the air freshener for the class, say got some weird smell in the air...
Camp is on 10 jan!!! Yeah! Still pressing for time... Need to find guys to go learn the dance
steps for the mass dance... Really don't know what they are shy about... Cannot call them cowards, but can't say that they are brave too... hahaz... Also have to form a team and a
person for the ' Dress up a model' game during campfire on 11/1... But no one seems to want
to help... Haiz~~ Just have to keep asking them...
After school went for Guzheng... Today's session seems so short like less than 2 hours than
mdm luan let us off le... After Guzheng went to JP with Veron, Jing Yi and Zhao Shuang...
Went for chicken rice that Zhao Shuang recommended the other day AGAIN... Crapped a
lot... From Hongbaos to Malaysia to roller coasters... Stay at the food court for at least 1
hour before we left for home... Thought that i had ate too much for the day, so decided to
walk home... Walk for a complete 15 minutes... That should be equaivalent to some calories burned... hahaz...
Am going for another concert on 21/1 at VCH again... Only one word to describe it...
Sianz~~~ Hahaz...
1:18 pm Sunday, January 07, 2007
Went to VCH yesterday for a guzheng concert... Well, cannot say that it was boring nor fantastic... Perhaps okay is the adjective for the concert...
Went Orchard with fellow guzheng mates, namely... HUISU, WEN JIE, VERONICA,
and one more, but i forgot her name... Hehe :P :P
Went Cineleisure for lunch, then went to take neoprints... wore court shoes because need to
get use to wearing it, but in the end, ended up with blisters on both feet... Really idiotic of
me... hahaz...
Went home at about 10pm from City Hall mrt station after buying bread from Breadtalk...
Wen Jie and Yan Han seemed to have forgotten their medicine... Listened to MP3 then
started to act like the artise in their MV... Zhao Shuang got it all video down, just leaving
the step of uploading it onto Youtube... Hahaz...
After alighting from the mrt, went to take taxi home, as I really cannot walk already... Unfortunately, the taxi driver was unfamiliar with the area, so I have to tell him the
directions... Gave him the correct directions that I normally gave to other drivers, but he
kept saying that i was not clear enough, and kept emphasizing that he was always driving
in the downtown...
'WHATEVER', I thought to myself... Then slept at about1 am, 'cause
was watching some TV program...
9:30 pm Thursday, January 04, 2007
Brothers' birthday... Ate steamboat at home... drank only 2 glasses of wine then mummy stopped me... And i think there's nothing else...
Back to school... Woke up at about 5am, 'cause brothers already shouting all over the house
at that time... met up with wen jie and huisu at jurong east mrt, then went to 'new' school campus at the old new town secondary school campus... look so eerie still... Classroom got
aircon( hooray!!!), then spent almost 3 hours with MJT... then saw the first other teacher
of the day, Mr Chiang... Went back home right after school... nothing to do in school...
Rained in the morning, so went to class immediately after reach school... By then air con on
le, so like i'm feeling sleepy in the classroom the whole morning.. Hahaz... On the second day
of school already have homework le, then tomorrow still got Physics Re-exam... Hope that i
can pass thru it smoothly...
1:51 pm Monday, January 01, 2007
Firstly, a very
Exciting 2007 to all!
Went countdown @ Boon Lay with steph, wenshi, leon, shien, yu fan and sheng yuan...
met up with steph, wenshi, leon, shien, yu fan first, then all went to boon lay together...
Told ghost stories about pulau tekong.... Almost made my stomach scared out of me...
At almost 12, went to e foam party area to countdown... like we went crazy... Sream until
people look at us like we just came out for IMH.. hahaz... After countdown, look at the MAGNIFICANT fireworks... its really nice, especially the last moment... it's just so.. so..
GOOD!! hahz...
Then went to buy party sprays again when sheng yuan arrive... then when we saw him, all
cans aim at him.. At the count of 3.. 2.. 1.. He instantly became a 'stringed man'... hahaz..
after that, went to talk again... at about 1 am, steph went home... then we played Poker
cards and talk till about 2.20am then went home....
Had a good sleep until 1 pm today... Juz like a pig.. hahaz....