11:32 pm Saturday, November 25, 2006
Just finish the performance 2 hours ago... No screw ups, but some small hippcups though... Veronica was SO nervous before the performance... She kept calling us to help her memerize the sequence of the songs we were playing... It's really tough to be the leader... Luckily i'm not.. Hehe... We were given macdonalds again! for our dinner... I did not eat, 'cause i just ate them for lunch, and i'm too full to eat...That stupid court shoes hurt my feet so much that i think i must have look like a penguin when i walked... By the way, talking about penguins, i want to watch HAPPY FEET!!! Anyway... After the performance we started to put the Guzheng into their respective boxes then began to change out of our costume. Some of the girls suggested supper somewhere near my school... I was tempted to go.. But i was taking a free ride home from Huisu's mother, so i had to refuse the offer... But come to think of it now, I think i had made the right chioce.. Having my feet hurt so much, after the bus ride, i still have to walk so long back home if i had gone to have supper with them, I think i will regret it later....That costume and that makeup... I really don't know how to face my classmates who are there... Some of them are just so sickening... Just can't stand them at times...Before the performance..Me, Liting and Shuwen went to Huiyi's house before we are supposed to report to school. Huiyi had asked Shuwen to tune her guzheng for her.. As for me and Liting, we just went there for fun... After Shuwen finished tuning the Guzheng, we went to TBPlaza for lunch @ macdonalds... Then we went to take some neoprints... It turn out to be Huiyi's first time taking neoprints, and we found out that she had not go to many entertainment places like arcade, so we decide to take her there if possible...My family went to Malaysia right after i went out in the morning... My mother promised to come back tonight and bring me there tomorrow.. But appearantly, she had taken my sister's advice to stay there till monday, while they all come back... Hmm... Why can't i just go there?!Before i sign off let me put a picture of myself... It's just a stupid crazy idea of mine.. Hehe..
10:06 pm Friday, November 24, 2006
Changed my blogskin again... I think i'm somekind of addicted to changing my blogskin... I just cannot stand looking at the same blogskin for more than 5 days... Tomorrow is the reunion dinner!!! Hope that everything will go on smoothly, and nothing will screw up... Went to krithee's house yesterday.. Drank some shandy, and i manage tofall into a fitful sleep at night... FINALLY! Her sister is so cute... Wonder why krithee say that she is irritating. But seems like huisu got irritated by her anywayz... hahaz... I got the urge to drink vodka now... ARGH! But i cannot... Family will not let me drink.. And I can't drink anyway... unless somebody is willing to help me buy... I doubt so..Gave krithee a card yesterday... A christmas card.. Is it a bit too early? WEll, i don't know and don't want to know... It is always better to be early than late right?? hahaz... This should be myq quote, since i did not copy it from anywhere else...
12:19 pm Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Lalala... Vacations... Holidays... I love them yet hate them... Why LOVE???I can... Rest, Play, Sleep, Eat, Fight, Travel...This sound a lot like me right? So to me, it is holiday for me everyday hahaz!!!Then,Why Hate??Too much Rest, Play, Sleep, Eat, Fight, Travel can bore me... It is like other than these things, i have nothing more to do.. Life just seems so meaningless without any work to do... Crazy isn't it? I have wishing for no work so long, and now i wanna do some work... And last of all, and the most important, I will become fatter and fatter... ARGH!!! I got nothing to do nowadays... I wanna go malaysia look for my cousins.... hahaz..I' m going to Krithee's house tomorrow... Friday got Guzheng... Saturday got performance at the reunion dinner... The coming days will be so eventful.... So let's countdown... Listening to Z-Chen's and SHE's songs now... Gosh! I simply love their songs!!!!
12:38 pm Monday, November 20, 2006
HEHE... Let me upload some of my friends' photos here... Since i got nothing to do... hahaz...First... Krithee and Eelin...
Then... Rita and Huisu...
After them... Siti...
And.. Last but not least.... Huisu...
11:27 pm Sunday, November 19, 2006
My daddy's birthday tomorrow!!! Well, called him in the afternoon to wish him happy birthday... Then polish my nails black... but the outcome was not really nice... my removal is finishing soon... So maybe will have to keep it in this colour till tomorrow when i got the new removal...So, What am I doing now?? I was thinking of him a little while ago.. Might be thinking too hard, cuz, i suddenly cannot visualize how he look like.. Do these things happen when people get seperated for too long, or what.... He is a guy guy i once had a crush on... Stupid but true.... After so many months, but i will still find myself missing him... Any idea why this happen??? Thinking of some of the days we spent together, I can still laugh to myself... Then if my mum see me doing doing that, she will ask me if i'm sick... hahaz... I think i am.. Itis the illness of missing some person... hahaz....
Now once again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!
11:01 pm Thursday, November 16, 2006
Nothing really happen these few days. Hmm yes, there is one,(In fact 2!). Yesterday, i went to play basketball with eileen, yen sze and krithee. They are having netball practice at the netball court near my house. So after their practice, i dragged my brother along with me to play basketball with them, 'cause i'm shy... hahaz.... If you believe so..Some kind of regret it now, 'cause i have to give him 2 dollars for accompanying me. Haiz~ so wad? If i'm happy, it's alright! hahaz...So after some games of basketball, the girls became hungry, we went to the shopping centre for lunch... I mean them... I didn't really eat... I did not have that appetite. As the girls were not there before, I somewhat became the guide, and took them round the shoping centre for a look. Then, they all went to the train station by bus. I went with them, but i alighted at my stop. I'm just too lazy to walk home. Moreover, my feet are hurting!After i reached home for almost 2 hours, krithee mom called me. Wow! She really scares me! I mean, what she asked me gave me some form of fright... She asked me what time i departed with krithee, and somrthing about a jacket.... Hope i did not bring her ito any kind of trouble...The second thing... It was wen shi birthday yesterday as well... Called her to wish her a happy birthday... I initially had forgotten completely about it, it was only when i saw the notes on the calendar, then i remembered... hehe.. sorry SHI... Hope you won't mind...hehe... :PI don't really know what to put for all my titles... Find them a chore to think... So... I decided to put numbers as my title... If it is really a special day, then i will put some words next to the title... hahaz...
12:34 pm Monday, November 13, 2006
Yeah!!! I could finally put my pictures on my blog.... This is my first time putting a picture on
my blog, so i really do not know how it will come out to be... But everything seems just alright, so, I really Elated!!!!!! hahaz...
Now let me try if i can put a picture into my entry.....

If i'm successful, there are 3 people in the pic... Huisu at the back, and Rita beside me....
11:24 pm Thursday, November 09, 2006
This is my first Blog entry, and i don't really know what i should write here. Just some self intro here...
Born in singapore, first cries on 23rd June 1991, given this gorgeous name of vivience... and blah blah blah...
I still need some advice on how to improve on my blog skin...